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Sanctions on Russia, blocking the money? Impossible, they are gone

Draghi: Putin made money disappear

Mario Draghi: "We cannot block the money of the Russians, because while we were busy ghettoizing the unvaccinated, they made them disappear". The great banker speaks, expert in banking and money, the savior of the country, the head of the government of the best.


While Europe and the West were engaged in the campaign in defense of gender fluid, in the establishment of the green system (intended both as a transition towards energy hunger and anti-stinged passes) and in fantasizing about concentration camps for the no- Uax, Russia has made all the money (monetary reserves) that Europe would like to block today disappear.
It was the reserves of the Russian Central Bank which had increased 6 times since the Crimean war.
So in fact the sanctions so much touted in the press are not feasible because, in silence, Putin raked everything.
Not only that, but Russia is making the transition (the real one) from the western (swift) to the Chinese (cips) interbank system , so that money can be secured for what Russia will need.
And what are we talking about?
But of course the trade exchanges necessary to make Russia independent from Europe and Europe without a cubic meter of gas, therefore dependent on the Sino-Russian system.
Confcommercio sanctions Russia
All this without the banker of the bankers, the best, the savior of the Fatherland, noticing it; intent on launching anathemas against the unvaccinated who, for some obscure reason were, according to him, infecting Italy despite being ghettoized for months, excluded from work and social life.
He tells us, Draghi, that this whole Putin operation took months of preparation.
Strange, given that the Ukrainian question has been unstable for 8 years – exactly the length of time Russia has repeated its pleadings to NATO members.
Draghi is mischievous … "Putin premeditated" … While in Europe they locked us up at home for the same reasons that today allow thousands of people to crowd without masks to wave flags.
And that's not all.

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While no one noticed Putin's plan, Western banks remained massively exposed to Russia.
The most exposed today is Unicredit. For 25 billion in investments (and therefore savings for businesses and households).
It is no coincidence that Unicredit is suffering a collapse on the stock exchange (-10.7%) ➡ https://bit.ly/3sydoA1
All this obviously could lead to serious financial and economic problems that do not exclude contagion between banks and banks.
Collapse of Unicredit
Meanwhile, Italians spend their days on social media and in the streets flaunting their hatred of Putin and unconditional love of the Azov battalion: the kind of people they condemn in Italy when they dress up as sardines.
Little, bad will be said. There is still oil and gas from Libya and North Africa.
Yes, it is a pity that in maintaining Italy's influence on the fields and the North African oil market we have put the ace up our sleeve: Giggino, who in less than two and a half years as Foreign Minister has done more damage than the plague, becoming use as a doormat from Egypt and leaving free parking for Turkey, which has supplanted Italy in its ancient role.
Not like those thieves of the First Republic, who made us respect.
And while Putin chewed gunpowder and KGB, you were seeing honesty in politics instead of "career politicians".
You elected Giggino Di Soccupato with the dream that he would become Prime Minister.
The vote is paid.

Here is the intervention of Draghi

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Article Sanctions on Russia, blocking money? Impossible, there are no more comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sanzioni-alla-russia-bloccare-i-soldi-impossibile-non-ci-sono-piu/ on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 09:02:48 +0000.