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Saxony Anhalt: the counter-proof that the CDU has chosen the wrong man

An early vote was taken in the Land of Saxony Anhalt and the result seems to have given the CDU breath back, while it seems to mark a strong retreat for the left-wing parties, a stop for the AfD and a sharp slowdown for the greens, but …

Meanwhile, let's see the data

CDU-EPP: 37.1% (+7.4)

AfD-ID: 20.8% (-3.4)

LINKE-LEFT: 11% (-5.3)

SPD-S & D: 8.4% (-2.2)

FDP-RE: 6.4% (+1.6)

GRÜNE-Greens / EFA: 5.9% (+0.8)

FW-RE: 3.1% (+1)

Apparently a great victory for the CDU / CSU, which will now be able to form a government without the participation of AfD, the moral winner of the previous election. But it's not that simple.

First of all, the victory is also due to the direct commitment not of the candidate chancellor CDU Laschet, but of his direct opponent Fiedrich Merz, a politician who, despite coming from the same party, has very different positions compared to " Black-green ”Laschet, and is much more similar to a traditional right-wing position, not very inclined to agreements with the greens, closer to industry, opposed to immigration and with a less harsh gaze towards the AfD.

the left has really lost, both in the moderate component, SPD, and in the more radical one of Linke, but also the FDP, the liberals who fought hard against lockdowns, have grown. In general, in Germany we see a strong weariness of the population towards a left that does not defend the welfare state, which has left the creation of Hartz IV, not an example, but a nightmare, and which fails to overcome the constraints brought by a ' toxic alliance with the CDU. The conservative party wins if it is conservative, if it does not let itself be polluted by greenish tendencies. If Laschet thinks of a future with the Greens, he risks being punished by the voters, but, for now, the CDU goes its own way.

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The article Saxony Anhalt: the counter- proof that the CDU has chosen the wrong man comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sassonia-anhalt-la-controprova-che-la-cdu-ha-scelto-luomo-sbagliato/ on Mon, 07 Jun 2021 08:44:10 +0000.