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SCANDAL IN TUNISIA FOR ITALIAN WASTE. Arrests and allegations of corruption (from OFCS.report)

Even if in Italy not if spoken in Tunisia a big scandal has broken out which led to the arrest of the former Minister of the Environment and which involves Italian waste sent by a Campania company and which, for now, who knows why it was made public only from OFCS.report . Now we publish an excerpt from the blog:

The Court of Sousse, in fact, has brought to light an illicit traffic of waste of various kinds, including hospital waste, between the Maghreb country and Italy through a company of services for ecology based in the province of Salerno . 'Interpol, last August, had sounded an alarm on the exponential growth of an illegal global traffic of waste towards countries unable to treat it and destined to be buried or burned, with all that this entails in terms of pollution. 

The case of Sousse emerged in early November, after the transmission of an investigation by private TV El Hiwar Ettounsi ( click here to watch the video ) on the arrival in Tunisia, last April, of 70 containers with 120 tons of waste, with another 200 still waiting to be sorted in the port of the city before the administrative procedures were even concluded. As stated by the spokesman for Tunisian Customs, Haytem Zanned , the Tunisian company that imported waste from Italy, active in the recycling of post-industrial plastic materials, allegedly presented false declarations and authorizations regarding the nature of the imported waste, prohibited to under the international conventions of Basel and Bamako. The Tunisian Soreplast, according to what emerged from the investigations, should have treated 120,000 tons of waste ( 48 euros per ton, for a total of five million euros ), but on 8 July the containers were discovered. He was then ordered to send them back to Italy, but they never left Tunisia. 

We refer to OFCS.report to read the whole story. Wanting to summarize, the North African judiciary arrested a dozen public figures and entrepreneurs, including the former minister, and it turned out that upstream of all the traffic there was a company from Salerno. There are now 120 containers of waste that will have to return to Italy with agreements made by the Italian and Tunisian diplomatic authorities. What does the Italian judiciary do? What is known now does nothing, which is very normal in Campania, region of the untouchable De Luca …

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The article SCANDAL IN TUNISIA FOR ITALIAN WASTE. Arrests and accusations of corruption (from OFCS.report) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scandalo-in-tunisia-per-i-rifiuti-italiani-arresti-ed-accuse-di-corruzione-da-ofcs-report/ on Tue, 22 Dec 2020 13:37:04 +0000.