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Scented candles worsen air quality: the safest alternatives

scented candles

Scented candles are often considered a pleasant addition to the ambience of homes, as they create a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere. However, it is crucial to understand that these candles, so often associated with moments of tranquility, can release harmful substances into the air, contributing to worsening indoor air quality.

In this article we will explore the reasons why scented candles can be harmful to your health and provide advice on how to keep the air in your home clean, scented and healthy.

Scented candles: an invisible risk

Scented candles, with their enveloping fragrances and the charm of soft light, are often a central element in creating a welcoming atmosphere inside homes. However, what often escapes attention is the release of toxic substances during their combustion. This release is due to various factors; firstly the synthetic fragrances contained in many scented candles: these fragrances can contain a mixture of chemical compounds, including benzene and toluene, known air pollutants. During combustion, these chemicals can be released into the air, contributing to indoor pollution. In addition to fragrances, the wax used in the production of many candles is often paraffin, a wax derived from petroleum. Paraffin, when burned, can emit small amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, as well as fine particles, which can have adverse effects on respiratory health. Additionally, some candles also contain dyes and chemical additives which, when burned, can release harmful substances into the surrounding environment. These additional ingredients can further contribute to indoor air pollution.

How to keep the air in your home healthy and fragrant

To maintain a healthy and fragrant home environment without risks, it is possible to adopt safer alternatives to candles. Natural essential oils, diffused through special devices, called diffusers, are an ecological and safe alternative for perfuming environments. Plant-derived essential oils can provide health benefits and create a pleasant atmosphere without releasing harmful substances into the air. Furthermore, the use of air purifiers and regular ventilation of rooms help reduce the concentration of pollutants in the air, thus improving indoor air quality. To keep the indoor air cleaner, it is therefore advisable to make sure you have good ventilation in the rooms and, if possible, avoid smoking traditional cigarettes inside; a good alternative are e-cigs, such as the heated tobacco cigarette available online from Pulze . For those who still want to use candles, it is preferable to opt for candles made with natural ingredients such as beeswax or soy wax, which tend to release fewer harmful substances during combustion. Finally, air plants, such as English ivy and potus, can help purify indoor air by absorbing VOCs and other pollutants.

Health consequences

Frequent use of scented candles can contribute to poor indoor air quality. This can have significant health consequences, including respiratory irritation, allergies and chemical sensitivities . The chemicals released when burning candles can irritate the airways, causing symptoms such as coughing, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. For those with allergies or chemical sensitivities, scented candles can trigger adverse reactions, such as itchy eyes, rashes and headaches. Chronic exposure to these toxic substances can even contribute to long-term health problems, particularly for those who already suffer from pre-existing respiratory conditions.

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The article Scented candles worsen air quality: the safer alternatives comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/le-candele-profumate-peggiorano-la-qualita-dellaria-le-alternative-piu-sicure/ on Wed, 22 Nov 2023 23:01:49 +0000.