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Schism between vaccine religion and Catholic religion: bishop suspends no-vax priest

The bishop of Bergamo suspends the priest promoter of the "journey" no vax.

The bishop took three actions against Don Emanuele Personeni, to "discourage" him from the idea of ​​making this "pilgrimage" against vaccination and Green Pass requirements throughout Italy.

Hard line of the Bishop of Bergamo, Monsignor Francesco Beschi , who intervenes on the affair of the no vax priest Don Emanuele Personeni , parish vicar of Mapello. On Friday 11 February, Don Emanuele will undertake a journey to spread and support his position against the vaccination obligation and the Green Pass. The announcement of this "pilgrimage" between the parishes of Italy had raised various opposing positions.

The Bishop of Bergamo has thus undertaken three actions, writes Bergamo News (10 February) : he does not share the initiative and the path of Don Personeni, no parish is authorized to grant him pastoral spaces and relieves him from the position of parochial vicar of Mapello. The bishop made no further statements.


So, it appears, the vaccine is the new religion. In science we must believe blindly, even if as we know there is more and more evidence that vaccination impositions with all the related regulations, have more and more political connotations than scientific and medical ones. Free will is no longer allowed, not even by the Church.

In difficult times, many people rely on prayer for comfort. From today he will have to address his prayers to BigPharma, give us our daily vaccine today. Believe it works and does not cause collateral damage. Amen.

Here the full story:


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The article Schism between vaccine religion and Catholic religion: bishop suspends no-vax priest comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scisma-tra-religione-vaccinale-e-religione-cattolica-vescovo-sospende-prete-no-vax/ on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:00:26 +0000.