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Scholz: The German nuclear power plants will go on AT LEAST until

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said an end to the coalition dispute over nuclear energy. “As chancellor, I made the decision,” he wrote in a letter to ministers Robert Habeck (Greens), Christian Lindner (FDP) and Steffi Lemke (Verdi), citing his authority to establish government guidelines.

All three German nuclear power plants are expected to be able to operate until mid-April. " The legal basis will be created to allow the Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2 and Emsland nuclear power plants to operate until April 15, 2023 at the latest ". Scholz is therefore dictating a compromise to his coalition partners. The continued operation of the Emsland nuclear power plant was a request from the FDP and the limitation of operation to mid-April 2023 was a request from the Greens.

Furthermore, the government should present an "ambitious law to increase energy efficiency". To ensure security of supply, the conditions should also be created for the construction of new "gas-fired power plants that can run on hydrogen". Scholz asks Habeck, Lindner and Lemke to "promptly submit relevant regulatory proposals to the cabinet as part of the distribution of business," his letter concludes.

The end of this dispute also indicated who is in charge and who does not count for anything in the German government: Scholz has the power, the other two are, at this moment, efficient waiters to whom to leave a tip. Also because, let's be clear, the winter 2023-24 will be the real test for Berlin, without the possibility of filling the deposits with gas from Russia, as there was last spring, with which fuel the new ones will work. efficient power plants, the Germans?

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The Scholz article: the German nuclear power plants will go on AT LEAST until it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scholz-le-centrali-nucleari-tedesche-andranno-avanti-almeno-sino-alla/ on Tue, 18 Oct 2022 06:00:25 +0000.