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School: let’s take stock of the costs of education

The educational path that leads to obtaining a high school diploma requires Italians to deal with a series of costs every year that can have a rather significant impact on finances.

According to Federconsumatori, in 2023 for school supplies alone, the expenditure incurred by families was 606.80 euros for each pupil , with an increase of 6.2% compared to 2022. Most of the costs are linked to the purchase of books of text, with an expense in 2023 of 502.10 euros for each pupil (+4% compared to 2022), to which must be added the expenses for any school trips and extracurricular activities .

We must also consider the so-called hidden costs to be incurred in attending mainstream school, including transport costs to reach schools and return home after lessons, and those for meals consumed outside the home.

What are the alternatives to cut school costs?

Nowadays, it is possible to eliminate some expenses related to education, such as those for school books or hidden costs, by relying on private online schools that allow you to study anywhere using digital teaching materials, thus allowing you to avoid travel as well as purchasing textbooks.

In this area, a real point of reference is iScuola , which stands out for personalized teaching support and a modern and intuitive e-learning platform .

With iScuola, those who cannot attend mainstream school for various reasons – be they young students, athletes or working adults – can make up for the missing school years or continue their studies, to graduate and take advantage of better social and professional opportunities .

All this always at clear and transparent costs , with the possibility of choosing between various school paths and rates, to recover the school years and graduate online taking advantage of a completely tailor-made service.

Breaking down barriers thanks to online schools

Digital technologies make it possible to break down barriers and ensure the same opportunities for everyone , even those who for various reasons cannot complete their conventional studies.

By relying on online schools, in fact, all you need is an internet connection and an electronic device to graduate, with the possibility of attending courses at any time and anywhere based on your commitments.

Thanks to these realities, education paths are therefore destined to become more inclusive digital learning ecosystems , capable of having a positive impact on society and the economy.

The opportunities made available by online high schools

The training offer of private digital schools allows you to choose from a wide range of online courses based on your needs and professional objectives.

With iScuola, for example, it is possible to opt for the linguistic high school , scientific high school, the ITT IT , the human sciences high school, the human sciences with economic and social option , the sports scientific high school, the ITE AFM administration, finance and marketing (formerly accounting), IPSSAS health and social assistance services (formerly healthcare partner).

To find out about the training solutions available and the costs of the online courses, simply ask for a free, no-obligation quote on the iscuola.net website , or call the toll-free number.

In this way it is possible to understand how to obtain the diploma online without attendance and time constraints, how digital school works to graduate comfortably with the support of dedicated tutors and teachers and how to make up for lost school years .

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The article School: let's take stock of the costs of education comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scuola-facciamo-il-punto-sui-costi-dellistruzione/ on Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:01:39 +0000.