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Secession! Here are the Americans who want out of a Democrat-ruled state and have a majority

According to the Daily Mail, which interviewed the leader of the movement, Mike McCarter, a movement of eastern Oregon conservatives to secede from and join Idaho is gaining momentum. The campaign is ramping up the push to have 15 counties leave Oregon and join the neighboring state of Idaho. Practically half the state wants to leave the Dem government and join a traditionally conservative state.
With just $70,000, McCarter led a political campaign to relocate between the two states and last month saw his allies introduce a law for that purpose in Oregon. He also has a bill ready for Idaho that would expedite discussions for the immediate secession of 15 counties in the state, a major chunk of Oregon.

“I think people inside the US are watching the Oregon movement, hoping this sets a path for them in the future,” he told the Mail.

McCarter's office, adorned with muzzle-loading rifles and the head of a musk deer, "couldn't be further from the image of Oregon as a haven for 'wake' politics, where the majority voted to decriminalize hard drugs." in 2020, where coastal valleys provide the perfect climate for the delicate pinot noir grape and where the liberal way of life was featured in TV comedy Portlandia,” the report reads. But this Dem world, with craft shops and homeless people on the street, is limited to Portland, the main city and a few coastal areas

In contrast, central and eastern Oregon is a land of hardy ranchers, loggers, and sawmill workers. Where daytime temperatures dipped below freezing on the weekend after a snowstorm, and where locals say they have more in common with neighboring Idaho than Portland and its $6 lattes.

Our movement is based on values,” said McCarter, 75, a retired nurseryman who runs courses for people who want to get a gun permit. “The traditional values ​​of faith, family, freedom and independence”. “We don't want to be looked after by the government. In other words, if the electricity goes out, I have a generator, I have water, everything… I have a food cache”. As America divides between urban and rural, between Democratic cities and Republican prairies, Eastern Oregon is at the forefront of redrawing state lines.

According to McCarter, Oregon conservatives would be "fairly represented" in Boise, rather than in the state capital Salem.

That said, although 11 eastern counties have already voted to move, McCarter doesn't expect Oregon to give up 15 counties that contain 63 percent of the state's land without a fight.

Last month, Oregon lawmakers introduced a law that would require the state to enter discussions with Idaho. McCarter also pointed out that allowing western Oregon to separate from eastern Oregon would save money, as rural residents receive a subsidy of about $500 per person per year.

“So if Oregon let Eastern Oregon go, it would be much richer on its own,” he said. "They wouldn't have the conflict and political battles that have been going on for some time."

This political conflict shows the true secession of the USA, between a "Woke" city area of ​​the USA, those of the big cities of the East and West coast, for marijuana and free drugs, and the rural, internal, patriotic, conservative one and for free private initiative. A real deep division that will have profound repercussions on the future of the USA.

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The article Secession! Here are the Americans who want to leave a state ruled by Democrats and have a majority come from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/secessione-ecco-gli-americani-che-vogliono-andarsene-da-uno-stato-governato-dai-democratici-e-hanno-ala-maggioranza/ on Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:00:22 +0000.