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Economic Scenarios

Sergio Giraldo: from energy to the EU as forced subjection to a political utopia

Sergio giraldo is one of the best-known analysts for the gas and energy sector in Italy. A person who, when he talks about these things, always shows an in-depth and above all practical knowledge of the problems. Instead, on the occasion of the second conference on the gas war, he intervened with a much broader discussion, of a philosophical nature, on the true nature of the European Union. This becomes a great utopia, a new creation that wants to break away from the past, but like all utopias it does not accept any compromise and whoever does not agree with its policies is marginalized. Everything then ends in a process of economic and political impoverishment of the masses themselves.

An unmissable speech that we invite you to follow.

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The article Sergio Giraldo: from energy to the EU as forced subjection to a political utopia comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sergio-giraldo-dallenergia-alla-ue-come-assoggettamento-forzato-ad-una-utopia-politica/ on Sun, 12 Mar 2023 16:17:23 +0000.