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Shanghai and Lockdown: power to a few, corruption boom. Who knows why (and they don’t even have mask problems)

Centralizing power in a few hands on the basis of unclear, arbitrary "Emergency Conditions" creates the basis for widespread corruption, and this also in China. From what was reported in the RFA , the situation of the local public administration in Shanghai under lockdown is declining, so much so that the government has had to impose a tightening of controls on the "neighborhood committees" that oversee the application of the lockdown.

On the buildings, whose inhabitants are at the limit of the food available, written in English has appeared saying "We want supplies". A group of citizens enraged by the lack of supplies broke into the headquarters of a neighborhood committee and found it filled with parcels of various types of food that had been hoarded and undistributed. In the Shanghai Jiangqiao city community, administrators also sold assets that were to be distributed to citizens, accumulating around 250,000 euros in illicit profits. In fact, almost everyone took advantage of the situation to make money. For example, 50 tons of plant food sent from the province of Yunnan were distributed to the citizens in small part and instead ended up in the warehouse of the distribution manager Zhang Xisheng, who sold them for his own profits.

However, the cases of corruption are even more varied: it seems that there is a real traffic of ambulances that load rich people who want to leave the city and then take them, with a medical justification, out of Shanghai, obviously for a sum of money. bribe.

As in Italy, China confirms that corruption and emergency powers go hand in hand. we have had the masks, they have the distribution of food. Honesty and the centralization of extraordinary powers do not go very well together. When they tell you "Emergency power", without any transparency, you think someone will gain …

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The article Shanghai and Lockdown: power to a few, corruption boom. Who knows why (and they don't even have mask problems) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/shanghai-e-lockdown-potere-a-pochi-boom-della-corruzione-chissa-come-mai-e-neanche-han-problemi-di-mascherine/ on Sat, 30 Apr 2022 13:35:57 +0000.