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Shinzo Abe: here are the absurd motives of the killer

Photo of the agency @Kiodo, we highlighted the position of the killer, very close to Abe during the speech

Why was former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe killed? The man who allegedly shot former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday had a military background, but denied that his motive was tied to Abe's political beliefs, which, beyond Abenomics, was quite consistent with the party. Liberal Democrat, who has a majority in national elections in Japan. What then pushed the killer?

The killer, Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, was unemployed and served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) for three years until 2005, according to police. Being unemployed is already strange in a country with one of the highest employment rates in the world.

Once arrested, Yamagami admitted his intention to kill Abe, and explained that he believed the former prime minister was linked to a religious organization that would bankrupt his family, Asahi Shimbun reported. “My family joined that religion and our life became more difficult after donating money to the organization,” said Yamagami.

The suspect told investigators that he initially targeted the organization's leader, "but it was hard to hit him," so he decided to change his focus.

“I targeted Abe because I believed he was related [to the organization]. I wanted to kill him, ”he said. Yamagami also admitted that he attempted to make explosives. It seems that a relative of the killer also confirmed the cause, stating that the killer's family had fallen apart due to the religious group that had severely damaged Yamagami's life.

So behind the murder there would be crazy, but personal reasons, not related to political reasons. Abe would have been considered contiguous to a sect of Korean origin, the "Unification Church", which allegedly plagiarized the killer's family. In Japan, where the majority is theoretically Shinto, numerous religious sects flourish, some of which are much discussed.

Tokyo discovers that it has a security problem, despite the country being among the strictest in the world in granting the port of arms and crime is minimal. Abe was talking on the street, with virtually no control in front of a small crowd. The suspect used a 40-centimeter-long hand-crafted pistol, and police later found other prototype weapons and homemade explosives by searching his home.

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The article Shinzo Abe: here are the absurd motivations of the killer comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/shinzo-abe-ecco-le-motivazioni-assurde-del-killer/ on Sun, 10 Jul 2022 09:02:38 +0000.