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Smallpox: Find vials in the Mercks lab, where they weren’t supposed to be! FBI investigates

Vials of smallpox and smallpox vaccine have been discovered where they absolutely were not supposed to be, setting off a very serious alarm that will lead to FBI investigations and cast doubts on the safety of the international laboratory system. In Pennsylvania, 15 vials were found at a Mercks laboratory, five of which were branded with the name "Smallpox" and ten as Smallpox Vaccine ". Too bad that, as per the WHO agreements, smallpox and its vaccine must be found only in two laboratories in the world, the first in the CDC headquarters in Atlanta and the second in Russia, in the state laboratory of Koltsovo, Siberia. This is because the human virus was definitively eradicated in the seventies, with the last chaos recorded in 1979 in Ethiopia, and since 1980 there has been no more mass vaccination. What were they doing in a private laboratory where he should never have been?

Smallpox is a very dangerous, highly contagious disease, with a mortality of 30% to 35%, which, when it is good, leaves large patches on the skin, when it goes badly it leads to death, blindness or deformity of the limbs. It is estimated that it has haunted the world since the 2nd millennium BC and even the pharaoh Ramses V has suffered from it. On average, up until the 18th century, it killed 400,000 Europeans a year, mostly children. The Englishman Jenner created the first vaccine using bovine pox (ie "vaccine", of cows) at the end of the eighteenth century and the extensive vaccination campaigns of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries erased it from the earth, except, in fact, in two laboratories , where it is kept only as a precaution. It absolutely didn't have to be in the Mercks lab.

The escape of the virus would have devastating consequences, given that the population has no longer been vaccinated against the disease since the 1980s. This is why this violation turns out to be a very serious and very worrying case, so much so that, in fact, now the CDC and the FBI are investigating to understand how these vials could have been found in that laboratory. It would be better not to mess with certain viruses.

However, perhaps there was a consequence: the shares of Siga Technologies, manufacturer of the antiviral Tpoxx, active against this type of disease, have grown strongly:

It must be said that the cause, however, could be a case of monkeypox, not worrying, found in Maryland by a person who had been on a visit to Nigeria.

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The Smallpox article : Find vials in the Mercks lab, where they weren't supposed to be! FBI investigates comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vaiolo-trovate-fiale-in-laboratorio-mercks-dove-non-dovevano-essere-fbi-indaga/ on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 10:05:58 +0000.