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Economic Scenarios

Speranza enlists Fauci: the bad Italian consultants are not enough for him, we have to import them from the USA

Nicola Porro reports the latest feat of the brilliant health minister Roberto Speranza, a man whose efficiency demonstrations have been such that his stay where he is can only be linked to very high political coverage, or to the desire for some occult power that wants to irritate Italians. The minister decided to invest in health by helping the usual suspects: “ We are investing 360 million euros in the prevention center that we will set up in Siena and Fauci said he was willing to collaborate with our scientists, who are already working for this goal. We are very pleased because we consider Fauci one of the main personalities in the world in the fight against the pandemic “.

How, with Italian politicized medical minds, such as the various Italian Ricciardi, Burioni, Pregliasco, Galli, do you have to go and find a doctor overseas? If I were a local televirologist I would go on strike to the bitter end until I was recognized as having the right value as a propagandist. But let's face it, Fauci may be the right choice. He knows about epidemics. We remember how in 1984 he said that one could become infected with AIDS even with "close contacts" without exchanging needles, blood or sexual intercourse.

In this way he helped the integration of the homosexual community into a nice ghetto, as close contacts (such as shaking hands) became an instrument of contagion. Except that all this was not true, but he is the great virologist the expert in the spread of viruses. After all, it is now known and confirmed by the press that the NIH of Fauci, where his wife also works in management positions, financed the research on "Gain of function" in Wuhan, where the Coronavirus accidentally broke out. As is known, he tried to obstruct research on the artificial origin of the virus, an act of a clear and transparent person, perfect for working with Minister Speranza. The choice is obvious to him.

Of course Speranza could surprise everyone and choose Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford, the one who affirms how it is necessary to put an end to Covid and go ahead and who has a considerable academic weight. But Fauci is a friend of Biden, while Ioannidis is not, and in the Italian government certain friendships count …

Just to freshen up your ideas on who Fauci is, we bring you back only the LAST of the dark scandals he ran into. Below is our article from January of this year, where we also underlined how Twitter had tried to ambush yet another filth of our future consultant, banning the newspaper that had published the video of the scandal.

Twitter own goal: bans Veritas and makes the Fauci scandal fly

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The article Speranza enlists Fauci: the bad Italian consultants are not enough for him, we have to import them from the USA . It comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/speranza-arruola-fauci-i-pessimi-consulenti-nostrani-non-gli-bastano-dobbiamo-importarne-dagli-usa/ on Tue, 03 May 2022 18:00:06 +0000.