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Support decree. What changes for hotel companies (by roberto Necci)

We present this article that specifies the extent of interventions for the energy sector. The article is the work of Roberto Necci, President of the study center of Federalberghi Rome and you can also see it here.

The "Support Decree" was approved in the CdM of March 19, which should, conditionally, more than ever, support companies during this pandemic.

What changes concretely for hotel companies?

Little, little or nothing, let's see why.

First of all, the contribution is equal to a percentage of the difference between the turnover of 2019 and that of 2020, but there are two conditions

The first : the company must have a turnover of less than 10 million euros

The second : the loss of turnover must be at least 30% (2020 to 2019)

Having clarified these two prerequisites, let's go into detail on the percentages of the non-repayable fund:

60% on the difference for subjects with revenues not exceeding 100,000 euros in 2019

50% on the difference for subjects with revenues not exceeding 400,000 euros in 2019

40% on the difference for subjects with revenues not exceeding 1,000,000 euros in 2019

30% on the difference for subjects with revenues not exceeding 5,000,000 Euros in 2019

20% on the difference for subjects with revenues not exceeding 10,000,000 euros in 2019

So far apparently clear, but it is in the detail that we actually discover the smallness of the amounts that are children of a calculation base that in the application gives very little.

Let's see it with some examples:

A hotel that had a turnover of Euro 400,000 in 2019 and a turnover of Euro 50,000 in 2020 will have had a drop in turnover equal to Euro 350,000.

Euro 350,000 must be divided by the 12 months of the year and Euro 29,000 is obtained

Out of these Euro 29,000, considering its range (under 400,000), it will receive 14,500 non-repayable equal to 50%

Further provisions of the decree of interest for the hotel sector concerned:

Extension of the redundancy fund for the support of workers for a further 28 weeks

Suspension of layoffs

Faculty of entering into agreements for the so-called Covid hotels

At this point, a consideration must be made, the Draghi Government has probably provided the last contribution even if this will absolutely not be suitable for keeping hotel companies alive without external capital.

As is well known, hotels are heavy structures from the point of view of even fixed costs and difficult to sustain in the absence of revenues.

Hoping for imminent shootings is rather unrealistic, Easter will be a red zone and traffic from abroad will stop, the summer is uncertain and certainly in the case of the cities of art of little interest for our compatriots where they could travel.

On the part of companies there is therefore a need to take note of a situation that by ordinary means appears rather unlikely to be resolved, there will therefore be the need for many to evaluate the convenience of business continuity, evaluate extraordinary operations or total restructuring. .

Continuing to think that everything will start again tomorrow without having to deal with the present is mere utopia.

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The article supports the Decree. What changes for hotel companies (by roberto Necci) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/decreto-sostegni-cosa-cambia-per-le-aziende-alberghiere-di-roberto-necci/ on Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:18:30 +0000.