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Sweden: defeat the left and, in general, centrism. It is not a country for moderates

As we wrote yesterday, the elections in Sweden were literally on a razor's edge, but, even if for a minimal amount, the left bloc lost the elections to the right one, at the moment only a handful of seats, 176 the CDX 173 the CSX …

So the government without a majority that ruled the country until yesterday is preparing to give way to a completely different team, within which there are the Swedish Democrats, a right-wing identity party opposed to the migratory flow and which wants to profoundly change the cultural attitude of the country. The party, at European level, is part of the ECR bloc of which FdI is a part in Italy, and in Sweden it lacks the party of the European group ID, of which the Lega is part.

At the same time, the elections indicate a radicalization of the country and a defeat for the moderate parties: on both sides the Liberals (RE) and the Christian Democrats or People's Democrats lose seats. On the contrary, the Social Democrats, despite having lost the majority, have strengthened themselves to the detriment, for example, of the center-left liberal party.

On the right, the Moderate party has lost the second position vis-à-vis the Swedish Democrats.

The economic situation and public order certainly influenced the choices of the electorate: in the end it is difficult to understand what the moderates can say in the face of the impending crisis. In a situation that embraces the whole of Europe, the electorate is trying to find alternative solutions.

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The article Sweden: defeat the left and, in general, centrism. It is not a country for moderates comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/svezia-sconfitta-la-sinistra-e-in-generale-il-centrismo-non-e-un-paese-per-moderati/ on Mon, 12 Sep 2022 07:00:06 +0000.