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Swedish Professor: You will have to take 5 doses of the vaccine!

While many people have bragged that they are "fully vaccinated" after two injections of the COVID-19 vaccine, a Swedish professor says it may take up to five doses to combat the drop in immunity.

We don't know how long the vaccine protects against serious disease and death ,” said Professor Matti Sällberg of the Karolinska Institute.

" This means you have to focus on safety ."

Numerous European countries are planning a third round of COVID "boosting," in September, and the FDA has also indicated that vaccinated people will be given another dose in the fall.

However, Sällberg suggests that this will probably not be enough and that "recurrent injections" will be needed.

After receiving the second dose, the immune response slowly subsides. Within a year, many may have lost their protection. We don't know yet, but with a third dose, it will be reactivated, ”he said.

Biology says an attenuated immune response is not unlikely. Then it's time for a third, fourth, perhaps quinta dos e ”.

One wonders if Sällberg has a conflict of interest as he is also chairman of the board of directors of the vaccine company SVF.

Meanwhile, in Israel, a doctor warned that "vaccine effectiveness is waning / waning" and that "85-90% of hospitalizations are for fully vaccinated people."

It will be interesting to sell how many governments, including the Italian one, after having promised seas and mountains with two injections, will pursue the third, fourth and fifth. For heaven's sake, people are now completely impecorated and would accept as many as thirty injections, no questions asked, if the TV tells them.

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The article Swedish Professor: You will need to take 5 doses of the vaccine! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/professore-svedese-dovrete-prendere-5-dosi-di-vaccino/ on Sun, 08 Aug 2021 07:00:38 +0000.