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Takamori Saigo: the last “true” samurai

The history of Japan is fascinating, full of almost mythical characters, characters who have marked the rise and fall of entire eras, outlining epochal changes with their swords. Almost all of them were ennobled by the caste of Samurai, servants of a lord who often held a few meters of land, but was capable of heroic deeds in order to maintain it. After the Sengoku era, when such indomitable warriors became superfluous, the Tokugawa shogunate relegated kenjutsu to dojo practice, where the most skilled warriors now found themselves to demonstrate the supremacy no longer of their master, but of the most effective sword style . However, not all dominions were appeased by the Tokugawa, some resisted, keeping the flame of dissent alive and from these there was an air of revenge: Satsuma desired independence in the glory of the Emperor. Precisely from there a simple son of officials will leave to re-establish the government of the Tenno, to then become the last daimyo in an era where the poetics of the sword definitively left room for the dissonances of bullets. Today we will begin to retrace the epic journey of the last Samurai, Takamori Saigo. Good vision.

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The article Takamori Saigo: the last “true” samurai comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/takamori-saigo-lultimo-vero-samurai/ on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 05:30:15 +0000.