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Telegram: do you know that there is a more permissive version, but outside the Google Play Store? (and also for Minds ..)

Do you know that there is a version of the App of the well-known Telegram messaging system that is NOT downloadable from the Play Store, but is still official, fully functional and less "Restrictive" than Google's?

Telegram, which is growing significantly, also due to the "Gattinizzazione" of FB and Twitter, has recently added a third version of its APP (the second is Telegram X) which, however, is not available on the Google Playstore

According to Telegram, this version will have "fewer restrictions" and will receive "automatic" updates from telegram.org. He did not explain what “less restrictions” means, but it is speculated that this version will not censor channels that host content with copyright issues, or that are censored by different governments for hate speech issues. In the sweetened version for users who want to go through google it can happen that these channels are blocked:

If you want to access this type of channel from the "Politically Correct" Telegram you are in front of this image. This should NOT happen to the version downloaded directly from the Telegram site.Moreover, curiously, the two versions coexist perfectly on your phone, even if the icons are slightly different: the one from the Google store has the white border, which is not present in the version. directly downloaded from the site.

The difference between the two versions is linked to the increasing intrusion of the Censorship, which sees in Google, one of its main actors, for which not even a widespread message like Telegram wants to risk anything. You can find the full version HERE or on the official Telegram.org website. Obviously when you try to install it Android and Crhome will send you Aztec Curses because the application is not verified by Google….

Even MINDS in the Android version from the official Google store has limitations: for example, it does not allow you to comment or see comments, again because Google wants sweetened versions of "Ad usum delphinii". In this case, if you want to use it fully, even from mobile, you have to open it on a browser, OR download the full version from https://www.minds.com/mobile

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The Telegram article : do you know that there is a more permissive version, but outside the Google Play Store? (and also for Minds ..) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/telegram-sapete-che-ce-una-versione-piu-permissiva-ma-fuori-dal-google-play-store-ed-anche-per-minds/ on Fri, 16 Apr 2021 09:51:01 +0000.