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Telephone company T-Mobile USA will lay off unvaccinated workers.

President Biden's vaccination obligations have been successfully challenged in courts, but that doesn't stop some companies from punishing "anti-vax" employees, even if they decide to continue with their layoffs.

On Saturday, T-Mobile became the last major American company (it is the third largest wireless carrier in the country) to make this choice of firing no vaxes, according to Bloomber g.

The policy will apply to all employees who require “regular or occasional” access to T-Mobile's offices, which the company says means virtually all of its staff. Those who do not comply will see their access badges revoked and automatically lose the ability to enter all T-Mobile facilities.

"Affected employees who do not fully vaccinate and obtain a Magenta pass by April 2 will be separated from T-Mobile," T-Mobile HR manager Deeanne King said in the note, referring to the internal digital pass it requires. proof of vaccination.


"T-Mobile's badge-controlled offices continue to be accessible only to those vaccinated against Covid-19 and we have shared with employees that we require employees to be fully vaccinated by April 2," he said, with limited exceptions for certain roles, places and accommodations and mandatory exemptions.

Of course, exceptions will be made for staff with approved medical and / or religious exemptions, the company said.

There will be other important exceptions. For example, to prevent any impact on customer service, workers in the company's stores, who interact mostly with the public on behalf of the company, will face different requirements.

According to Bloomberg, the memo says vaccine rules and the decision to fire unvaccinated employees would not apply to field technicians and most in-store retail roles, but the company is encouraging regular injections and testing. for those workers.

So far, T-Mobile is one of the largest US companies to commit to firing unvaccinated workers. Almost all the others gave up after the Supreme Court rulings.

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Article Telephone company T-Mobile USA will lay off unvaccinated workers. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-societa-telefonica-t-mobile-usa-licenziera-i-lavoratori-non-vaccinati/ on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:00:53 +0000.