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Terrorism: thwarted attack in Europe (d Ofcs.report)

The German police, in close collaboration with the Danish one, thwarted a possible terrorist attack by the Islamic State in a European country currently unknown. Seven people have been arrested so far between 6 and 8 February, while another 5 have been subjected to interrogation. 

Among those arrested are three Syrian brothers, strongly suspected for the preparation of an attack with the use of explosive material and under the probable aegis of the Islamic State

The investigations resulted from confidential information received from the Berlin Federal Criminal Police Office in relation to a purchase order for five kilograms of sulfur and five kilograms of aluminum powder, placed on the web, from a 33-year-old Syrian citizen. resident in Denmark, to a Polish company, to be delivered to the address of the customer's brother in the German region of Saxony-Anhalt.

Based on the information received, according to the daily Der Spiegel , the German federal police informed the Danish joint body, which following the appropriate investigations, arrested two of the Syrian brothers and four other people and seized propaganda material from the Islamic State and a huge amount of chemicals.

Attention has therefore also shifted to suppliers of sensitive products, such as components of explosives, but it is extremely worrying that the five kg of sulfur and five of aluminum powder have not been found. Sulfur is a well-known component of black powder, one of the first explosives, while aluminum powder is able to burn at very high temperatures. In the brothers' home, only many firecrackers were found, from which they could obtain the black primer powder. Where did it and aluminum go? Who is organizing attacks?

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The article Terrorism: thwarted attack in Europe (d Ofcs.report) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/terrorismo-sventato-attentato-in-europa-d-ofcs-report/ on Fri, 12 Feb 2021 07:42:50 +0000.