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Tesla enters the British energy market

Amid a devastating energy crisis, Elon Musk's Tesla Electric could soon arrive in the UK to revitalize Britain's disastrous energy market.

As of July 2023, Elon Musk will once again be officially "the richest man in the world", but the man behind Tesla, PayPal and SpaceX also runs an energy company, Tesla Electric, and the billionaire is ready to enter the UK energy market as a new domestic supplier.

The energy market in the UK

In September 2021, energy suppliers in the UK experienced a hike in gas prices, forcing many of them out of business. By the end of the year, two million customers were impacted by the 28 energy companies that closed, while the country saw gas prices quadruple. The energy crisis has also led to an increase in the cost of food and clothing, leaving many families in despair.

Now Elon Musk is ready to step into the game, but how?

What is Tesla doing in the UK? Tesla Electric, which supplies electricity to households that own Tesla products such as cars or batteries, posted an ad seeking a new executive that required a new executive "with a healthy skepticism about the status quo" to handle the company's entry. in the UK market. It is an operational manager, the COO, therefore the one with his hands in the field.

The announcement for an operations manager, first reported by the Daily Telegraph, said that Tesla Electric would be able to "support the transition of the entire electricity grid to 100% renewable energy". According to British sources, the new manager should deal with the development of the "Powerwall", the wall made up of batteries that is used as an accumulation system by Tesla.

Powerwall allows Tesla cars to be recharged, but we could venture that the mention of the development of renewables suggests the networking of domestic accumulators. Large battery banks are expensive, why not consortium of powerwall owners in a network to use excess capacity? It could be an interesting hypothesis.

To learn more go here.

Tesla in India for "an innovation base"

2023 has already been a busy year for Tesla CEO Elon Musk. In June, he met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the possibility of having Tesla production bases in India, investments in electric vehicles and commercial space exploration.

Musk said factories for the EV brand will be in India "as soon as humanly possible," but that's a matter of timing.

“Mr. Modi really cares about India because he's pushing [Tesla] to make significant investments in India, which we intend to do,” Musk said.

“They are looking very seriously at India as a manufacturing and innovation base,” confirmed Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State in India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

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The article Tesla enters the British energy market comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tesla-entra-nel-mercato-dellenergia-britannico/ on Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:00:18 +0000.