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Texas sends buses full of irregular migrants…. in Washington DC!

The fourth bus of "undocumented", ie illegal, migrants from Texas has just arrived in Washington DC – a "special delivery" by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, carrying 10 passengers, according to Fox News .

The buses are dispatched under an order from the governor issued earlier this week that instructs the Texas Emergency Management Division to provide charter buses or flights to transport illegal immigrants to carry irregular immigrants vacated by police. federal border directly to Washington. Abbott issued the order in response to President Biden's decision to revoke Title 42, the Trump-era order that was issued in March 2020 to effectively stop illegal immigration to the United States that authorized only "essential travel" "Across the border. Now that it will be lifted, all the authorities, federal and state, expect a wave of irregular migrants.

When the last bus arrived, the Central American Resource Center, a social services organization, arrived to support the migrants in their arrival. The non-governmental organization provided the migrants with food and water, then took them to Union Station to eat and use the bathroom.

While some media have questioned the legality of Governor Abbott's order, it is worth remembering that the transport of illegal migrants from one state to another part of the country is not new or unique. In fact, as was widely reported, the federal government transported thousands of migrants across the country to different states via bus and plane as part of a plan that was initially kept under wraps until the media denounced.

Also, as MSNBC also acknowledges, trips to Washington DC are "entirely voluntary." no one forces migrants to go there, they go there voluntarily. Migrants do not flee from violent gangs, but rather from poverty and are in pursuit of the "American Dream". Except that they do it at the expense of Texas, even economically, and this situation is starting to exasperate Governor Abbott.

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The article Texas sends buses full of irregular migrants…. in Washington DC! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-texas-manda-pullman-pieni-di-migranti-irregolari-a-washington-dc/ on Mon, 18 Apr 2022 06:00:40 +0000.