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Economic Scenarios

Thanks Mario Draghi

Positive Coin Mario Draghi

Positive Coin Mario Draghi

One day we will have to thank Mario Draghi, but for reasons exactly opposite to those that led him to receive the World Statesman award, the coveted recognition that was awarded to him by the "Appeal of Conscience" foundation, with laudatio even pronounced by the former US secretary of state, Henry Kissinger.

He is certainly a banker who represents the interests of the banking and financial oligarchy, there is no doubt about this. He also wanted to point it out himself, telling the famous joke about the banker, which you can find HERE .

But his action in the government, while attributable exactly to the single neoliberal thought, of which he is one of the greatest representatives in the world, had at least the great merit of making clear the intentions and objectives of the banking and financial elites.

The next elections will be a sort of referendum between those who support Mario Draghi's political action, in favor of a small percentage of the population, and those who are against it because they are faithful to the constitutional principles of sovereignty, in favor of the entire Italian population.

Many parties are firmly convinced of Mario Draghi's thaumaturgical qualities, some declaring it openly, others under his breath, but there are more and more parties that are clearly opposed to Mario Draghi, because they have declared themselves against his action and his neoliberal agenda.

To clarify the difference between a Prime Minister faithful to constitutional principles and a neoliberal Prime Minister like Mario Draghi, I have elaborated a joke, which is actually dramatically plausible in its madness.


EXCEPTIONAL NEWS !!! An ancient Roman ship was found with Julius Caesar's 1000 billion treasure… #Money #Moneta #Denaro #Soldi #Tesoro

♬ original sound – Fabio Conditi

So the merit of Mario Draghi is to have polarized the clash between two visions of society:

  • one based on a debt currency issued by banks, in the hands of a few private individuals, who use it to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else, proposing austerity policies for the people and expansive monetary policies on the financial markets to enrich those who are already rich;
  • one based on a currency issued by the state, in the name and on behalf of the people, used to implement expansive economic policies in the real economy, to increase equitable and sustainable well-being for all.

The clash, for those who have not yet understood it, clearly took place on the Superbonus, or rather on the transferable tax credit, which is a real Copernican revolution of the economy.

For the first time, the State was able to finance the real economy without borrowing on the financial markets, opening up to the possibility of a radical paradigm shift in economic policies, definitively setting aside the austerity policies that have not solved the problems we have, but rather them. they even aggravated.

So first of all everyone go to vote because the vote counts, and how it counts.

Ursula von der Leyen reminded us of this, who uttered the following threatening sentence towards Italy:

“We will see the result of the vote in Italy, there were also elections in Sweden . If things go in a difficult direction, we have tools, as in the case of Poland and Hungary ” .

This sentence, however, is a clear symptom of weakness, because threats are made when one is afraid of the result, hoping to generate in the voters the conviction that voting is useless, because there are so many tools to maintain the expected direction and desired.

In reality, as the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) has always declared, national sovereignty always prevails over European sovereignty, at least until the Constitutions of the individual countries of the European Union are radically changed.

But national sovereignty needs tools to be exercised, so it is necessary to vote for the parties that have concrete and achievable solutions in their electoral program to pursue the constitutional objectives of work and full development of the human person:

  • fiscal currency to finance public spending without increasing public debt;
  • public bank such as Germany has to finance small and medium-sized enterprises of the real economy;
  • savings accounts to protect and encourage Italian savings, avoiding blackmail from the financial markets.

We have included these solutions in a petition for a 1000 billion Economic Revival Plan, which we have proposed to all parties to include in their programs, so far only one has done so, as I explained in a previous article HERE .

These solutions are clearly indigestible to Mario Draghi, who was sent with the task of destroying one of these solutions that had been tested with the Superbonus.

This is the real reason for his arrival and perhaps the prize he received: to block any Italian attempt to use the national sovereignty guaranteed by our Constitution. But by failing to do so, it also proved that it cannot be eliminated.

So please, express your opinion by going to vote, with one certainty:


Fabio Conditi

President of the Positive Money Association


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The article Thanks Mario Draghi comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/grazie-mario-draghi/ on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 10:52:59 +0000.