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Economic Scenarios

THE 209 BILLION OF VERY GREAT FRIENDS OF RIOTTA. How to deceive millions of Italians by claiming what is not, and will not be

The news of the day even in the mainstream media today is the mathematical certainty that the Recovery Fund, the famous 209 billion that should revive the economy, no one knows how they will arrive, and if they will arrive. As British, European and even Italian newspapers point out, this fund is likely to jump because the compromise pushed by Germany manages to upset everyone a bit. To summarize the problems in three points:

  • it is also too rigid in terms of repayment and financing for those who, like Spain, had initially proposed financing with irredeemable bonds bought by the ECB;
  • it is too permissive and expensive for the pockets of citizens from the so-called "Austere" countries, Austria and Holland in the lead, who do not want to give out money;
  • it is blackmail for Hungary and Poland if it contains any form of reference to the so-called “Rule of Law”, ie the need for all countries to submit to certain legal standards which, however, have extremely politicized definition roots.

Today it is now official that the agreement on these funds and on the methods of donation will not take place shortly and will be postponed in the future, to a date that is not yet sure. Merkel has put her political weight on this measure, as has France, but the wishes of many countries cannot be violated, as well as the logic that shows how the economic impact would be extremely modest.

Yet for the worst part of our journalism, the distorted, badly political, paternalistic, but father-master part, the "Fake News" continues to tell, according to which "We have already obtained 209 billion in funding". Let's take an example: Gianni Riotta and his intervention on TV with Salvini, in which, because he didn't know what to say, he attacked Bagnai, Borghi and Rinaldi, advising the Northern League leader to replace them with those who would be able to use the 209 million euros of the Recovery Fund " What all the Venetian industrialists want "..

Apart from the fact that the managerial history of at least Borghi and Rinaldi should be able to give good advice also for the use of funds, does Riotta realize that she is selling pure illusions? The 209 miliairdi, they are not there, it is not known when they will be there or there will be, instead it goes around selling pure smoke in the eye as if it were something that exists, tangible. The good Riotta knows that when these alone will not arrive the many, unfortunately many, fouls or in difficulty entrepreneurs will go to look for Conte, Zingaretti and probably him too, and they will not be exactly kind.

In life you have to be a bit fatalistic and take things with serenity, instead he is becoming a bit acid. Could it be because he once made a bad impression with Rinaldi, because he did not remember article 1 of the Constitution?

We see that the "Doctor Spocchia" still burns since that day, but he will have to deal with it. In any case, for these performances, she will certainly win the Pulizer Prize, the same year in which they will award Alba Parietti the Nobel Prize for Economics

At least Parietti had nice legs….

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The article THE 209 BILLION OF VERY GREAT FREGNACCE DI RIOTTA. How to deceive millions of Italians by claiming what is not, and will not be, comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-209-miliardi-di-grandissime-fregnacce-di-riotta-come-illudere-milioni-di-italiani-spacciando-per-certo-quello-che-non-lo-e-e-non-lo-sara/ on Thu, 01 Oct 2020 14:10:31 +0000.