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Economic Scenarios

The abnormal reality of the presidential election: the triumph of haste and external powers against politics

Must hurry! This is the cry you will hear if you watch live TV on any of the news programs that are following the presidential election. No mediation, no discussion, you have to throw away names a bit at random because that's what envy and strong powers want. Here then characters more or less known, some even of quality, are thrown into the fray, as if you were choosing a team for Fantasy Football.

One party proposes, the other refuses without making any serious counter-proposal. All under the bad sign of "do it quickly". So today the name of Alberti Casellati, president of the Senate, will be burned in this approximation bonfire. Tomorrow maybe Frattini will be there, the day after tomorrow the magician Zurlì. Nobody bothered to ask the Italians which figure they could truly consider unifying representative. It goes on like this, because Mentana needs a few names, as if we were in the interrogation scene of a bad detective film.

Instead politics, the serious one, the one made up of mediation, but also of listening both to the other and to popular feelings, is in no hurry. Even if the new president were chosen in a week or two there would be nothing wrong, indeed it could be a positive sign of reflection, a moment of catharsis after two years of mad rush of institutional government that has done everything and the opposite of everything. Why not take a moment and think about what Italy is and where it wants to go? Are we just the nation of the ZTL, or are we something different? Are we all Letta, Conte, Salvini or Meloni, or do we want an alternative path for which we need a truly unifying and somehow reassuring figure?

Whatever happens, at this stage, we certainly have a great loser, who is called Mario Draghi. The one who was surely the President of the Republic a year ago has received, so far, only a handful of votes. All this despite being the star adored by the international press and by all the national media by now reduced worse than the Minculpop. The great technician turned out to be a mediocre politician, too far from the people, authoritarian, imprecise precisely from the scientific point of view, a point that had to be his strong point, and above all bent on the worst parts of his government: the Mephistophelic trio Speranza Cartabia Brunetta, people with such a political sense that they would have destroyed even a Giolitti, Cavour, or Lorenzo the Magnificent government. Among other things, the current European situation shows how its policy has been bankrupt also from the point of view of the revision of the budgetary constraints and of Maastricht, still standing and that indeed are about to be confirmed. Having entered the conclave as Pope, even Monsignor risks not leaving.

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The article The abnormal reality of the presidential election: the triumph of haste and external powers against politics comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/laborme-realta-dellelezione-presidenziale-il-trionfo-della-fretta-e-dei-poteri-esterni-contro-la-politica/ on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:00:28 +0000.