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Economic Scenarios


The last British governor of Hong Kong, Lord Palmer, an expert on China, was very clear on the CAI agreement, which should regulate free investments between the European Union in China:

" It is a spit in the face of human rights and shows a delusional vision of the reliability of the Chinese Communist Party on the international stage ".

“Are we about to see the end of forced labor in Xinjiang and the development of a trade union movement in China? Absolutely not"

"It is certainly inconceivable that the European Parliament can support this miserable draft agreement that the European Commission wants to sign with Beijing" .

" It was a huge strategic mistake at a time when President Biden will try to put together an international partnership of liberal democracies to tackle the bullying and predatory behavior and the assault on our international rules by Chinese Communists ."

The CAI was signed under pressure from Merkel on December 30th. Whatever the cost, the chancellor wanted to bring home a result to show off in front of his car industry, which was in serious trouble. The problem is that the largely secret treaty grants very little to the Union: the three areas of free access for European companies are electric mobility, private hospitals and telecommunications, always under strategic control of PVC. on the other hand, Chinese companies have a much wider access to European markets.

The negotiations were conducted by Germany, with minimal French involvement and the exclusion of other countries. Poland was against. There is no mechanism that can ensure Beijing's compliance with the criteria or compliance with environmental rules or human rights.

On January 6, seven days after reaching the EU-China trade agreement, Chinese authorities arrested more than 50 people, including American human rights lawyer John Clancey, on charges of "subversion" in Hong Kong. Here is the respect for human rights and for agreements in general shown by Beijing. The CAI is a sensational abuse and error.

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The article THE CHINA-EU AGREEMENT IS “A SPIT IN THE FACE OF HUMAN RIGHTS” ” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/laccordo-cina-ue-e-uno-sputo-in-faccia-ai-diritti-umani/ on Mon, 11 Jan 2021 13:34:22 +0000.