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Economic Scenarios

The Commission invests 5.4 billion in hydrogen, without having the energy to produce it. Money thrown away

The European Commission has approved a € 5.4 billion package for hydrogen energy research and development, just at a time when Europe risks running out of methane gas and nuclear power, i.e. without the energy sources for produce it.

Hydrogen is often erroneously hailed as the solution to "climate change" and carbon dioxide emissions, even assuming that this is the cause of an increase in technologies, but, in reality, hydrogen is just an expensive and complicated to transmit, not to produce, energy.

Hydrogen is a notoriously difficult technology to produce in terms of efficiency. To be completely ecological, hydrogen must be produced by electrolyzing water, which breaks down into the H2 and O of which it is composed, instead of producing additional carbon like gasoline. Hydrogen fuel cells always prove to be substandard and lose 30% of energy in the process of splitting H2 from oxygen, in addition to the 26% energy loss due to the transport of electrolyzed water. So, for now, it's not an efficient process.

Why does the EU leadership continue to pursue fabulous technologies when it already has access to green energy production in the form of nuclear energy, or to transmit energy in the form of biomethane, ammonia or electricity? Although nuclear power is often demonized by environmentalists, it is a "zero emission" source already developed and waiting to be used. If they really cared about an immediate reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, governments would stop wasting their time and taxes on terribly inefficient wind farms and dream technologies like hydrogen and focus on "clean" energy sources already. tested.

The main drawback of nuclear power is the cost, which is around $ 15 billion per plant. But the EU has already spent $ 232 billion from 2014 to 2020 on climate change initiatives that apparently have done nothing, as they still spread global warming hysteria today. In that time, they could have built dozens of nuclear power plants across Europe and done away with it. Obviously the EU will do nothing to solve the problem of climate change, because it is not a scientific question, but an ideological one.

Meanwhile, individual European nations are starting to realize they are doomed to disaster in terms of their economy and ability to provide heat in the colder months. Some are going back to using old energy sources, such as coal, while asking for Russian gas supplies. Soon the EU will have to go back to the basics of politics and energy and learn the old Latin saying from scratch: “Primum vive, deinde philosophari”, first survive, then do philosophy.

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The article The Commission invests 5.4 billion in hydrogen, without having the energy to produce it. Money thrown away comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-commissione-investe-54-miliardi-nellidrogeno-senza-avere-lenergia-per-produrlo-soldi-gettati-via/ on Mon, 18 Jul 2022 07:00:53 +0000.