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The covid censorship has killed people, word of a White House consultant

Censorship kills, especially when it concerns medical issues such as Covid. That's the thought of Dr. Scott Atlas, a former White House consultant to Trump and a professor at Stanford. By Censoring Medical Science and Health Policy, “You Kill People,” “Censorship of correct scientific and medical information has absolutely killed people during this pandemic. It has stopped people from making smart decisions. It stopped people from using prudence properly,” Atlas said of Twitter's censorship of doctors like him.

Furthermore, according to Atlas, Twitter censorship is especially “harmful” and “shocking” because the United States was founded on freedom of thought, speech and information: “This type of censorship is, in my view, unheard of in the United States. United,” said Atlas. Remember all that we, as a free and democratic society, abhor authoritarian countries, such as China, the former USSR and now Russia, North Korea." “This is the kind of censorship that happens in those countries. And now it is happening in our country.”

According to Atlas, government-mandated censorship isn't limited to social media and is much more insidious than one might imagine. “It's not just about blocking information. It is also a question – in a less obvious way – of limiting public access to information. It's an offense to people who talk about correct information,” Atlas said.

According to Atlas, there was only one acceptable narrative of COVID-19 at the height of the pandemic, and that was the one proposed by authorities, most notably Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. As a result, when other health authorities, such as Atlas, provided conflicting information, the aforementioned authorities enlisted the help of the media and social media to squash the dissent.

“Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc. they went to their friends in the media and undermined people like me. That, in reality, they were saying what was correct, what has been validated as correct all this time. “But the reality is, yes, science censorship kills people. And it has killed people during this pandemic. There is no doubt about that”.

The problem is that science is discussion, sometimes even a little boorish. The public should be allowed to follow it, both to have complete information and take knowledgeable information, and to check that the discussion takes place without "Ipse Dixit", unjustified impositions of power. Instead, even in Italy the opposite path has been chosen, imposing an absolute and superior vision, changing it in a casual way, without serious discussion and silencing all the other dissenting votes, even in an authoritarian way.

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The article Censorship on covid has killed people, word of a White House consultant comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-censura-sul-covid-ha-ucciso-persone-parola-di-consulente-della-casa-bianca/ on Fri, 30 Dec 2022 18:14:11 +0000.