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Economic Scenarios

The current nonsense of the Green Pass and the cycle of repression

We want to start this article, as used in Economic Scenarios, with objective data, that is, the comparative percentages of vaccinated in Italy, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. As an extra we have added Finland. The purpose of these data is to compare the percentage of vaccinated in countries where lockdown measures have been eliminated and the Green pass has never been used:

Italy has a percentage of vaccinated people that is 1% lower than that of Denmark and Norway, which canceled the closure measures, well above that of Sweden, also freed, and well above the world average.

At the moment, the number of Covid deaths per million inhabitants is less than one per million inhabitants. To give an idea, in 2018 1.9 million people died a year in Italy from heart disease, 5,205 a day.

Having presented these data and made these comparisons, I ask a simple question: what sense does it make, at this point, to want to impose the Green pass at all costs, with the obligation of vaccinations or continuous tests, when countries with similar health situations have even canceled any closing measures? The answer is simple: NONE .

There is no practical and sanitary sense in continuing with the Green pass and even less sense is there to ask for it to be compulsory, as Letta and Bernini did. The logic is not sanitary, but it is purely political, indeed a logic of power: we want to trigger the cycle, as old as the world, of reaction and repression. One takes a minority, more or less large, provokes it, exasperates it, to the point of provoking its reaction. Then the reaction itself is repressed.

Politically, the move is as old as the world, indeed in the past it was done in a more subtle way. We now live in crude and, fundamentally, ignorant times, and these authoritarian projects are being done openly, out in the open, with no opposition from the media now hired to power. It is a morally unspeakable game, but it is openly played, and it must be acknowledged. The best answer is not to respond, of course, to provocations, but to grow and grow, explain, understand and reason. Because the minority will not be, perhaps, forever such.

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The article The current nonsense of the Green Pass and the cycle of repression comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/linsensatezza-attuale-del-green-pass-e-il-ciclo-della-repressione/ on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:00:58 +0000.