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The deaths in Israel, which nobody talks about, so as not to embarrass the government

Israel is the country that first focused on vaccination policy, even using only one vaccine, Pfizer. Jerusalem was also the first country to roll out the mass booster. He also tested the fourth dose first, albeit without much success at this point. Yet things in Israel are not going well at all.

This graph, based on international data, shows the trend of deaths in that state.

On February 4, Israel had a much higher death peak even than in January 2021, when the vaccination campaign was still in its infancy and injections had been few. Yet today, despite a population that is fully covered, including boosters, at 72%, we have more deaths than when there was the delta variant and there were no vaccinations. How come?

Some news is also very alarming: the site The Yeshiva World talks about a tense situation in the Israeli funeral home due to the high number of deaths to manage, especially at a young age. Cases that have filled the hospitals and that are now also filling the funeral homes.

Israel was the first country in the world to implement mass booster vaccinations, but that didn't help avert a spike in mortality. Even this element should make us rethink and re-evaluate policies, yet it seems that we continue with our heads in the sack. This is causing the price we pay for covid to be extraordinarily high.

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The article The deaths in Israel, which nobody talks about, in order not to embarrass the government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/le-morti-in-israele-di-cui-nessuno-parla-per-non-imbarazzare-il-governo/ on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 08:45:20 +0000.