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THE DIRTY GAME OF SERVICES: how Conte and the PD have reduced Italy to a place of palace intrigue. A millennial shame

Finally Dagospia, with his usual intelligence, presents us with an explanation of the background behind the mess that forced Conte to place his trust against an amendment presented by his own majority.

Let's make excerpts from a long piece of Dagospia, which you can read in full at this link , and comment.

In the Covid decree, which extends the state of emergency until October 15, Conte slipped in during the night (he took great care to report it in the parliamentary chamber, nor did he communicate it at the end of the CDM with the usual note from Palazzo Chigi) the infamous rule that extends his loyal leader of the dis, Gennaro Vecchione, expiring next November, for a further four years. Even with the approval of the Democratic Party who saw a problem that was not just remedied that was formed in Aisi led by Mario Parente, appointed on April 29, 2016 at the time of the Renzi government.

marco mancini

Marco Mancini

Parente had a first two-year term and then a second two-year term, which expired in the midst of the pandemic, renewed with a technical extension on 15 June thanks to a Dpcm for a year, and for whose position either a replacement or a a 4-year renewal. With the new standard it can now be confirmed even for just one year. In short, with a clandestine stone, Conte killed two birds: Parente for the Pd, Vecchione for himself.

Parente, even if nominated by Renzi, also received appreciation from the CdX and, with different methods, he would have received a broad vote confirmation.

Well, last night we revealed that behind the scandalous blitz is the little hand of Angelo Tofalo, Undersecretary of Defense of the M5s…. And that Giggino, Crimi and co. they didn't know a thing about the paraculata of Conte and Tofalo.

Ah, the gray eminence of Conte, indeed the yellow eminence, because here the only thing that seems lacking is the gray, matter … Among other things, Tofalo organizes everything without the knowledge of his movement and its leaders. All beautiful people in the 5 Star Movement….

Today we can reveal that the gray eminence of the operation is a well-known character in the news, including judicial ones: the lively Marco Mancini. 60 years old, former carabiniere, since 1984 in the Pollari earthquake, in the past involved in important investigations such as that for the kidnapping of Abu Omar, the death of Nicola Calipari and Tavaroli-Telecom-Sismi, is moving with insistence (euphemism) to assume the chair at the top of the Aise, as deputy of the new director Giovanni Caravelli.

His candidacy, supported by Gennaro Vecchione, head of Dis (the Department that coordinates the Services and to which Mancini is currently assigned), was unanimously rejected by all: by the Pd, by Di Maio, by Mattarella, by Cia, from Caravelli. But Vecchione puts his foot down: Mancini is the only spy he truly trusts within the services, which he considers a nest of snakes, the only one who prides himself on solving any problem, of any kind.

By now Italy has become the land of the " People capable of nothing, but willing to do anything ", a sort of permanent "Big Brother" of people who put up with themselves for doing bad things, and often at the limit of the law.

Of course, Mancini's dream of becoming deputy director of Aise di Caravelli has vanished but there is a fallback: taking the post of deputy director general of Dis, currently occupied by General Carmine Masiello. Which could be sent to NATO in Brussels. But Mancini-Vecchione-Tofalo-Conte's donut failed with the hole. Fifty pentastellated deputies, headed by Federica Dieni, signed an amendment to suppress this article, in the discussion of the decree in the Chamber.

The devil makes the pots, but not the lids. This time the Five Stars really want a change to that rule that would allow all the appointments of these beautiful people at the top of the services that should guarantee the safety of Italians from external threats, and who instead seem only a caliphate deprived of prebends and appointments.

The attempt by the minister for relations with Parliament, grillino D'Incà, to find an agreement with Dieni and the other 5 stars to withdraw the amendment, taken from the pride of the petty bourgeois who does not want to go to hell accepting a political defeat, Conte placed his trust in the decree, sparking protests not only from the center-right but also from the Democratic Party (Borghi, a member of Copasir was against) and the dissidents of the five stars. Obviously Sergio Mattarella also did not like it. But a very pissed off Count reiterated to his staff: if I am blackmailed once, I will be blackmailed forever.

By now, the lawyer Conte is becoming a kind of bad guappo from Foggia: the power is all his, no one can challenge him, no one can democratically discuss his decisions, because, if this happens, then he is "Blackmailed". Politics as an art of discussion, confrontation, mediation and noble acceptance of the will of the majority is no longer there. There is only the "Guapperia", the will of pure exercise of power.

But this time, to give the green light to the rebellion of the 50 5-star deputies to the service standard, it is necessary to add the Elevato. Yes, Grillo is increasingly "intolerant" towards Conte. An irritation that originates from the jam on the single network that gave life to the Fibercop of Gubitosi with Cdp.

Grillo wanted the "Single Network" only public, instead Conte starts Fibercoop with the US fund KKR. Here too, there are no public interests, but only private interests of those who consider the Republic "Cosa Propria", or rather to be clearer "Cosa Loro". A shameful situation, but one that continues due to the total indolence of the Five Star Movement. why do you think that really someone, among those guys, has BALLS, let's face it, to send the guappo lawyer home? Among Men, Half Men, Ominicchi and Quaquaraquà the first two categories have already left the movement. Only the last are left, while Italy is reduced to a battlefield of corrupt factions.

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The article THE DIRTY GAME OF SERVICES: how Conte and the PD have reduced Italy to a place of palace intrigue. A millennial shame comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lo-sporco-gioco-dei-servizi-come-conte-ed-il-pd-han-ridotto-litalia-ad-un-luogo-di-intrighi-di-palazzo-una-vergogna-millenaria/ on Wed, 02 Sep 2020 19:52:49 +0000.