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THE DISASTERS OF THE GREEN MAYORS IN FRANCE: when little experience they merge with ecological fundamentalism

The last municipal elections in France saw the victory of numerous Green mayors , also thanks to the very low popular participation in the vote. Covid-19 combined with distrust in politics, thanks to a Macron increasingly distant from the French, meant that only a minority went to the polls, facilitating the victory of the most radicals.

Thus Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg or Besançon have EELV mayors, while Marseille and Rennes have ecologically compatible mayors. Those elected from the first minute have "started the change of model", despite the economic crisis, the covid and the closedown we have already hit many cities hard. After all, these mayors are ambitions of every lost second is wasted time. Better to show their nature right away. After all, with objectives such as, for example, energy and food self-sufficiency, Anne Vignot's goal for Besançon, six years may not be enough.

A green mayor puts politics first. The mayor of Paris declared a "state of climate emergency" in 2019. Pierre Hurmic, in Bordeaux, and Jeanne Barseghian, in Strasbourg, followed suit as soon as they took office, and most of their green colleagues are doing so. to do. The concept has no legal or even logical basis. It simply aims to legitimize a restriction on individual freedoms in the name of an alleged higher interest, which is not even so clear. after all, " Defending a limitation of freedoms in the name of climate change is not liberticidal ", summed up, at the end of August, in front of the Greens, Manon Aubry, former head of the European list of a rebel France that competes in environmental zeal with EELV. Green Party National Secretary David Cormand approved, so everyone home happily ever after.

But if you really want to anger the green mayors, call them "Green Khmer", like Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. , Anne Vignot will create a council of scientists and experts in Besançon, on the model of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change), called to give its opinion on “all the projects of the city”. He is counting on him in particular for the realization of the eco-district project that will replace the gardens of Vaîtes, a project contested by the most Greens of the Greens.In this case the experts are used to silence internal opposition, a bit like the CTS in Italy

In general, the green mayors can claim to be the champions of "pluralism", but they are reluctant to share the real levers of power, and if they do so they do so only with congregations and assemblies of selected ecologists. So democracy is served by beard and hair-

In Tours, Emmanuel Denis did not consult anyone when he banned cars in mid-August from crossing the Wilson bridge, which crosses the Loire into the city center. Opposition protests, which the new mayor treated with contempt: "It's the old world that resists !" The decree was adopted for three months, on an experimental basis, but Emmanuel Denis is already planning to set up Christmas market villages there this winter. Comparable measures have been taken this summer in all green cities, without real consultation or even reason. As they said, the green principle justifies any restriction on freedom.

When the traders protested, they were told "experimentation"! And the experience never ends, as in Annecy, where the unregistered green mayor François Astorg has just extended the trial period for cycle paths, to the chagrin of ambulances who report delays that are harmful to their patients. The Piolle method is followed. The only green mayor of a city of over 120,000 inhabitants elected in 2014, Éric Piolle has deployed "cycle highways" in Grenoble even against common sense. Meanwhile, in 2020, according to Le Figarò, crimes in Grenoble have increased by 53% from 2018. Criminals will flee better by bike especially after 7 shootings in a relatively small town.

The green mayors may well say that they are champions of "pluralism", they are reluctant to share the real levers of power, when they are in the majority. Pierre Hurmic in Bordeaux, Grégory Doucet in Lyon or, again, Jeanne Barseghian in Strasbourg, have assigned strategic decision-making tasks only to relatives , in particular to the delegations of intercommunal communities. They also revisited the attributions of their assistants and, above all, their titles.

In Lyon, where a municipal police officer was beaten by a gang in early July, Grégory Doucet plans to increase staff to just 20 officers (currently 335) during his term. During the campaign, he considered that "the first safety for Lyon and the Lyons is to be in good health, to have access to health care, but also not to get sick due to environmental conditions" because "incivility is not the only issue. which conditions peace in the city ". To improve "public peace of mind for all", he spoke of creating a "gender sensitive budget". Then if you go to the hospital because they beat you to hell anyway they will cure you.

In Bordeaux, also in Bordeaux "Security is obviously a concern for us, but not a priority", so the citizens are increasingly insecure and the "Social mediators" hired do not solve drug-related problems. “We will use a little more video surveillance, but in moderation.

The vice-president of Jeanne Barseghian, mayor of Strasbourg, held the veil in the council chamber. in the face of the secular state. After all, the greens have tried to use it as an argument in some cities, but have been screwed.

But let's see some of the more interesting and fun things for us, minus their employees:

• Playgrounds "must degenerate". This is one of the great projects launched this summer by Éric Piolle in Grenoble. He believes that schoolyards are "too reserved for studies". But by the way, wouldn't it be a sexist stereotype to say that ball games are child's play?

• Ban the car in the city. Everyone dreams of it, but Pierre Hurmic made the mistake of saying it out loud. His tactic will be to exasperate the driver until he leaves the car. Or he won't go to Bordeaux anymore….

• Requisition of empty housing. On this topic too Pierre Hurmic was the most directive, pointing the finger at the hateful speculators: “When you are an investor, even empty houses bring money,” he said. The next step is the requisition?

• The undesirable Tour de France. Officially, it is for economic reasons that the mayor of the PS of Rennes has refused to host the start of the Tour, but has made his green allies happy. The naturist and ecologist Cyclonudista, scheduled for 13 September, is welcome.

• Lyon area prohibited for the Patrouille de France, the “Freccie tricolori” from beyond the Alps. Alpha Jets were supposed to fly over Lyon on July 13 before taking part in the next day's parade in Paris, but Grégory Doucet has decided to deprive Lyon of the show, so as not to provoke crowds in times of health crisis. Raising your head could get you infected … ..

• Diffusion of inclusive writing: this new simplified and "Inclusive" French is taught in all French green cities, even if it is considered "A threat" by the Académie de France

Virtually half of France is in the hands of extremists and barbarians. It looks like the Italy of the Five Stars.

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The article DISASTERS OF THE GREEN MAYORS IN FRANCE: when little experience they merge with ecological fundamentalism comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-disastri-dei-sindaci-verdi-in-francia-quando-poca-esperienza-si-fondono-col-fondamentalismo-ecologista/ on Sun, 06 Sep 2020 15:38:21 +0000.