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The divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates. What will change?

Today, in a shortage of big news, the focus is obviously on the developments of a big breakup: Bill and Melinda Gates are divorcing after 27 years. As Bloomberg states, "their separation is likely to cause shockwaves in the world of philanthropy, public health and business."

The first to have a hit, but a positive one, will be the divorce lawyers, as presumably there is no prenup and there is a pot of 130 billion dollars to divide. (more than the 2019 GDP of 153 of the 213 economies in the world, and on the values ​​of the economies of Kuwait and Ukraine)

what will be the "shockwaves" Bloomberg talks about? After Jeff Bezos' divorce, nothing has changed for Amazon

Did Amazon stumble after Bezos' divorce? Hardly.

The divorce of the Gates will not worsen the supply of vaccines, as Bill was a fierce opponent of the abolition of industrial rights to vaccines and their decentralized production in the world, despite being the largest funder of the Covax initiative. Maybe when the Findation doesn't

Does Gates' divorce mark the end of Microsoft's anti-competitive business practices that often end up in court? We do not believe it, indeed the level of stable ultra billionaires, like Gates or Bezos, is increasingly restricted.

Instead, there will be interesting impacts on real estate, as the Gates are the largest owners of private farmland in the United States, with 242,000 acres. All of this, of course, for the sake of "conducting research to help raise chickens that lay better quality eggs and cows that produce more milk for farms in South Asia and Africa."

The impact of the divorce between Bill and Melinda Gates will perhaps be there only because the financial markets are made up of great romantics who will suffer from their division. Here maybe "Philanthropy" and "Finance" will suffer for this, because a solid couple divorces and everyone will shed one more tear. Or nothing at all will happen, because, in the end, super billionaires always act and think the same way, regardless of gender or family status. Always for their brutal interest.

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The article The divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates. What will change? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-divorzio-di-bill-e-melinda-gates-cosa-cambiera/ on Tue, 04 May 2021 17:09:38 +0000.