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The effects of “weak thinking”

The effects of "weak thinking" that lead to clouding the reason of whole masses to the point of denying the very foundations of virology, such as the fact that natural immunity is better than any vaccine, lead many doctors to get vaccinated even if they are already immune for catching the virus and defeating it.

Can we speak instead of herd immunity, of herd madness?

This is the very interesting and pertinent point addressed by RadioRadio in the interview with a psychiatrist and a virologist, and this is the point that leaves all those who have a shred of reasoning dismayed: seeing with dismay the complete absence of logic in our fellow citizens artfully conditioned by fear, who completely unreasonable.

"Weak thinking" is that gregarious mass reflex that makes most people conform to group follies in order not to disagree with the group they belong to, either out of conformity, either out of laziness or out of fear of "social" retaliation such as dismissal or whatever. Weakness, in fact.

This is the key mechanism that should have made us understand, in studying history, how it was possible to arrive at the death camps and mass deportations, a mechanism never understood or studied, but known and artfully manipulated by the world elite. .

This knowledge is the key to escape from the deadly spell, or from the self-fulfilling reality that we are living thanks to the rites, mantras, memes, that that same elite, through the media and widespread weak thinking, use to hypnotize the masses.

With success .
Nforcheri 09/01/2021

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The article The effects of "weak thinking" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gli-effetti-del-pensiero-debole/ on Sat, 09 Jan 2021 20:32:28 +0000.