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Economic Scenarios


The important Pentagon documents, revealed this week in America, have testified to us that a war is underway between Western nations, led by the Biden administration, against Russia, an ally of Asian powers. This warfare has no form that we have been accustomed to think of as large armies are not facing against each other with firearms. The IIIrd World War is not a lateral conflict between nations carrying ideologies created by the financial elite, as were the Ist and IInd World Wars, but it is a conflict within Humanity in a complex vertical opposition between the leaders of the global financial elite, and some leaders of the peoples of many nations.

The historical period we are experiencing is conceptually similar to that of the two civil wars at the end of Republican Rome, when the leaders of the Populares such as Julius Caesar and Octavian Augustus defeated the powerful elites of the Senate, certainly with armies of legionaries, but having backed by a tough slice of people who also fought in a civil conflict that ended with men and women of the elite who could not walk down the street and had to flee Rome, to be executed in some province anyway in most cases. The consent and participation among the popular sections of Rome and many provinces that Julius Caesar had was indispensable for the political affirmation of the Populares' requests, as well as after his killing the executions of conspirators and exponents of the Optimates (the party of the elites) , by any Roman citizen, by virtue of the proscription lists drawn up by Octavian and Mark Antony, were very significant in the sense of transforming the Ides of March (the assassination of Caesar) into the definitive affirmation of the Populares and of the instances of progress of the peoples. When the exponents of the Suburra took over the leading families of the Optimates party, a series of enormous political, socio-cultural and socio-economic changes followed, which also reverberated in the following two thousand years.

The third world war of these years is a sort of civil war in the Global Village, and the parties in conflict are not the nations aligned in a war among themselves for the affirmation of a vertical political leadership through arms. It is defined as 5th generation warfare, i.e. marked by friction and reprisals of various kinds designed to pursue financial and socio-political macro objectives, above all through biological weapons and manipulative propaganda of the minds and hearts of Westerners. Westerners are the richest and most powerful peoples on Earth (in the material dimension), and therefore the elite who pursued the ideology of a single government over the nations had to put themselves at the head of the West to govern the whole world. At the same time, this elite had to worry about perfectly controlling the people of Western nations by implementing consumerist lifestyles directed by the manipulative financial dynamics of the masses. As it was at the end of the First and Second World Wars, preparatory events for this Third World War, the most important stake at stake is that of determining an international financial order which implies the possibility of issuing patents and technologies this time of enormous value, that is about 600 patents whose application in one sense or another, would upset the life systems of human beings all over the planet. With the First World War Tesla's alternating current electricity, petroleum and the spread of trains in many places where there was not yet, were the most important innovations that emerged, while cars, household appliances and mass consumer goods arrived at the end of World War II. An outcome of the III World War favorable to the peoples and to the detriment of the Western elite could lead to social systems with an immense evolutionary leap, which would lengthen the average life well beyond 150 years in a perspective of material well-being and spiritual fortification as never before narrated in the History of Humanity recognized by Us, i.e. from 500 a. C. onwards.

The political opposition in the global village can be summarized in two alliances: that of the stateless and financial elite at the head of the West and of Globalization ( Globalists with vertical, unipolar and materialistic thinking ), and that of the alliance between national or local leaderships ( Patriots of lateral thinking, multipolar and highly spiritual). Important 'pawns' of the Globalist Alliance are certainly the media and social media which support international governmental or non-governmental institutions, but the real war arsenal of the globalists is constituted by the system of Central Banks , on which the big banks and all Western multinationals whose boards of directors are subjected to the implicit blackmail of unpayable debt. The system of central banks is an elite Masonic circle which exercises an abusive, corrupt and prevaricating power over the rights of every people on earth. To understand the rigor of this statement of mine, apparently too strong and probably disturbing, it is necessary to understand the meaning of compliance with the 2030 Agenda brought precisely by the central bankers, who would have had the honor and the burden of sealing the finalization of a Humanity's enslavement system through centralized digital currency . Bankers have always used Schumpeter's cycles of capitalism knowing full well that through alternating games of inflation and deflation, they would have expropriated wealth from those who had actually produced it, and are currently using inflation to 'suck' the value out of the economy with a fundamental novelty: inflation will turn against the top of the system. This time they will not be able to win because they have pursued to transform current money into unpayable credit, and then have plotted to expropriate private property by transforming the concept of money into a new concept: a concession of the Financial System on a wholly arbitrary and illegal. But I'll explain in detail why they won't succeed by going towards their end instead, an awareness that won't be able to mature without knowing a little history and notions of finance.

First let's think together: what is money? Money is a medium that allows the exchange of goods and services, and if this concept did not exist in our lives, almost all economic transactions would not be possible. The economy, in fact, is the set of transactions (economic exchanges) that take place in a community, and therefore without the necessary logic of base money, the economy could not develop, keeping us in a state of primordial material well-being. Strengthened by this empirical truth, an elite formed by the alliance between a handful of families of Ashkenazi Jews, only apparently of the Jewish religion, and a political military order of the Catholic Church born from the Council of Trent and thrown out of the Church as early as 700 (later readmitted the following century during the Restoration), i.e. the Jesuits, took political advantage to establish a secret government of the world to the detriment of nations and all peoples. This hidden government has been implemented through the power of money knowingly employed to dominate peoples by tearing them apart as needed through wars, through economic crises, epidemics, bloody ideologies or treasonous and wicked international regulations. The ultimate goal of this elite was to create a Humanity ordered in a stratified pyramid at various levels of slavery, ignorance and poverty. Those who today hold the ability to issue money without brakes are the main architects of this Secret Government, because they have controlled the real economy, the governments, the financing of wars, the possibilities of technological development and therefore have determined the situations of well-being or malaise of peoples . Anyone who claims that the real economy is governed by the law of supply and demand and governments by democratic elections would simply demonstrate that they understand nothing about economics and politics, two areas that cannot really be understood without knowing the logic that dominates them. that is, those of finance. Adam Smith's market laws, for example, are an outward appearance that works on a superficial but not substantial level, and liberal and liberal thinkers have spoken of this above all, such as Von Hayek or Milton Fridman, whose thoughts have been artifacts, manipulated and applied in caricatured ways through ordo-liberalism opposite to what Von Hayek and Fridman had claimed. In parallel ways, the same thing happened by enslaving the state apparatuses to private extra-state trusts, thwarting the sense of mixed economies and state intervention advocated by Keynesian economists, certainly not to protect the interests of the billionaires who control state powers today .

Since the early 1700s an elite of bankers known as the Khazarian Mafia, closely allied with the Jesuits, has fought behind the scenes of the political and cultural figures of Our History, in order to get to control the quantities of gold and finally hide them in the chaos of a war, with the ultimate aim of imposing abstract financial mechanisms implemented by Central Banks. A great boost to their dominance came at the end of World War II, when these bankers, who had also created the rise of Hitler in Germany (the Warburgs and the Rockefellers were determined to rise to the Fuhrer, a 'half-breed' Rothschild ) causing him to unleash a world conflict aimed at unifying Europe by raking in gold everywhere, devastating the Russias and finally centralizing financial power in America, ultimately managing to free money from the dollar, a situation at the basis of their ability to exercise today the their immeasurable power. In 1944, shortly before the end of the conflict, the financial elites arranged a preparatory agreement for the future peace (Bretton Woods) with which Hitler and Mussolini then delivered themselves to defeat on the history books, however allowing the bankers the conditions for transform all money by freeing it from a physical datum of objective value, and redefining it into an increasingly arbitrary and abstract right. With Bretton Woods, only the dollar remained pegged to gold while all the other currencies were unpegged, believing themselves indirectly pegged through the dollar, but when in 1971 the dollar was also unpegged from the physical bond, the power of the bankers was able to increase in an unlimited way up to culminating in the idiotic cult of the need for independence of Central Banks from Parliaments and Governments. This independence of the Central Banks is the respectable banner underlying a technocratic tyranny that is as obvious as it is violent.

Today, many ill-prepared commentators see the problem of financial democracy in the digitization of money, without knowing that digitization has already passed for decades. Physical money constitutes 2%, maximum 3%, of the total money, which are highly corrupted digitized bank records in many senses. First of all by a SWIFT system and by Asset Bank Security exchanges between bankers aimed at creating huge amounts of money issued in debt, that is by giving credit to someone, as well as through countless financial scams that have gone unpunished. The bulk of the unpunished financial frauds consists of trillion-dollar masses of derivative values ​​resulting from fictitious contracts, i.e. from a series of values ​​underlying the balance sheets of the 'Too big to Fail' banking giants (too big to make them fail), as well as from the creations of hundreds of dormant multibillion-dollar current accounts from which magically sometimes, through hackers outside the banks' Swift offices, but with the bankers actually turning their face away, huge withdrawals were made and therefore deposits into the real economy for total values ​​estimated at several trillion euros. The practical implication of this absurd system can be perceived by going to the bank to ask for 10 thousand euros in banknotes of one's possessions: in this way one can gain knowledge of how the System is contrary to all this of a physical nature, so that an account holder begins to prepare yourself for the idea of ​​not being fully in control of the money resulting from pure work or from a property right recognized by the State system. But digitization is not the problem, but the technical concept behind money. Today 97-98% of the money that allows all transactions is already in digital form, and cash constitutes a minimal percentage of the money, which in turn, although of a physical nature, is dull paper since it is made up of fiat banknotes, i.e. issued thanks to a debt, and therefore whose value due to a defect of origin would not be payable by the holder, if there were a collapse of the standard currency, the dollar, and therefore of all national currencies expressed in an international dimension too correlated to the dollar . So already today money has a digital nature, but this is not the problem: it is the absence of objective physical content, a situation created by bankers in order to exercise enormous financial arbitrary power, and thus dominate billions of people trapped in a materialistic life that is always on the run, with 90 percent of people unaware that they are regarded by the high Masons as animals in a hamster wheel.

The cathedrals of this evil installed at the top of the financial system are the Central Banks, that is, organizations in the hands of private potentates who are headed by a handful of families impregnated from head to toe with Satanist inspirations. Over the last century they have been capable of emptying all institutions of meaning, including religious ones, keeping entire masses of citizens in the dark from the fundamental truths of human existence, thus relegating them ever more to the inability to understand the retrogression of the West in a low material sphere devoid of any rational and spiritual depth. These same elites, strong for the first time in the history of a white Jesuit Pope on their side, have tried to strike a decisive blow from the beginning of 2020 onwards, but have been surprised by events that have thrown them off balance. The globalist elite acted on the assumption that they could get rid of Trump through mail-fixed and internet voting, as well as 'retire' Putin through the aftermath of the Ukraine War, and ultimately control Xi Jinping in the party's complicated tangles. Communist Chinese at the head of an immense territory and population, but found themselves thrown off balance due to their own plans, which produced events that turned against each other like so many sharp boomerangs, coming at their texts from all sides. The ultimate goal of Agenda 2030 was to create a chilling "monetary" model, capable of surpassing any novel of dystopian literature in wickedness against human beings. The Central Banks should have created the CBDCs , Central Bank Digital Currency , i.e. "digital currencies of the central banks", and at this point a crucial examination is required: what are the aberrant assumptions and implications of the CBDCs, given that as I have just explained are they not in the digital nature, nor in the adoption of artificial intelligences ? The abominable intention advocated by the Central Banks can be understood by understanding the design of transforming what is an objective value recognized by all, the value of money which allows the exchange of one's own values ​​with those of others, into a subjective recognition granted arbitrarily , i.e. in a digital right apparently syndicated by some algorithm of the Central Bank, but in reality in full compliance with the interests of the very few and to the detriment of those of the very many . To understand the concept it is worth taking the example of Netflix and Facebook. When we buy a film or a TV series perhaps by authenticating access with our digital identity, we can be users of the content since there is a digital right inherent in a database called Digital Rights Management . This computer database establishes what we can do with the film we have selected, i.e. how many times we can see it, on how many devices, for how long, if we can transfer it, etc… CBDCs are conceived in the same way as Netflix: you give them your money, and they give you a schedule of what you can and can't do. CBDCs are the evolution of " crypto-currencies ", because, like cryptocurrencies, they provide for the use of so-called smart contracts , i.e. a deadline to be able to spend , a method of use aimed at specific goods and services, obviously precluding others , a limit of use within a certain kilometer radius of your residence, and so on. This alone would make many turn up their noses, but the situation in reality is much more serious if this Davos elite were able to impose a system that would be a facade based on AI. In the plans of the Central Banks, AI would assume a prevaricating and active role in the life of human beings , an unacceptable situation which does not coincide with the exact meaning of Artificial Intelligence. To understand what I mean, think of Facebook: censorships are apparently made by algorithms of an AI in operation, but in reality it is an evil programming made by human beings, who knowing full well that they do not have the legitimacy of censorship, make it operate on their behalf a machine exactly as intelligent and dependent on man as traditional computers, only much more powerful in the sense of processing several billions of digital information in a fraction of a second, when instead the previous machines have the capacity to process only thousands of pieces of information digital in a fraction of a second. The problem therefore lies in the plans of the WEF, and in the implementation of digitization and information technologies in accordance with the will to control human life through the CBDCs. What is it about then? It is a programmed currency that would be managed by an active Artificial Intelligence, such as those adopted by YouTube and Facebook to censor unwelcome opinions and facts. This computer is programmed to receive billions of data and due to a programming made by the kapos of the elite, it will pursue the aim of imposing itself on the freedoms of human beings. CBDCs are different from cryptos because they have a centralized and obviously non-anonymous banking model. They would be issued and managed directly by the Central Banks, whose officials employed in the settings would be more powerful than an eye of God, because at any moment they would not only know how much money you have, what you are doing with it, but based on arbitrary settings they could plan to take away your 'free will' of spending by making the System stop a certain possibility, or even all your economic possibilities if you were too unwelcome. Everything would be managed on a computerized level by a Central Bank and once fully implemented, commercial banks would no longer exist, but there would certainly be figures of money checkers like the fact checkers of Facebook and YouTube, i.e. anonymous inhibitors capable of removing limits imposed by the algorithm or tighten them by punishing you for three days, thirty or maybe more, on the basis of needs and visions that may even be completely unrelated to yours. The problem therefore is not in digitization or in AI, but in their use to do evil, just as the shame of burning Giordano Bruno was not inherent in the fire, but in the Jesuits who decided to burn it using fire to make the evolution of humanity more linear and purified.

The CBDCs, therefore, in the Davos plans should have been a tool capable of culminating the whole decade of absurdities envisaged in the 2030 Agenda, born under the banner of a planned and ridiculous pandemic, and the consequent restrictions on Freedoms, obligations of pharmaceutical experimentation, the silly fight against climate change or the need to feed on insects, change sex or transform childhood from a subject of law to an object of homosexual law or paedophilic lust, in a totalitarian regime of Woke ideologies to make the stomach to anyone with intelligence to understand. The CBDCs will not pass because money, an instrument necessary for free transactions, will return to being asset backed as it was before Bretton Woods, i.e. they will be born into a system only with the origin of a credit and not a debt , and will have a digital and one paper. I think I can say that an American military potentate totally independent of the Biden Administration is working to introduce the US dollar backed by gold obtained from historic bonds brought to redemption (Redemption), i.e. credits on gold deposits not honored by banks debtors and therefore hidden during the crisis of 1929 or the II World War. These are values ​​higher than a few quadrillion dollars, i.e. to an extent that will make it possible to exchange currencies throughout the planet by implementing a real revolution in the financial system. Russia, China and all the other Brics countries are in full harmony with the new dollar, and more and more nations have disregarded the value of the dollar of the FED, the American Central Bank, which will be dismantled after the end of a transitional and very before arriving at 2030. The FED dollar is already waste paper in the macroeconomy, just as the million dollar or euro bank entries will be destined to be zeroed unless the holder demonstrates the integrity and legitimacy of the origin of the funds , a fulfillment that will obviously not be necessary for ordinary current account holders. The Central Bankers have already received instructions from the military to carry out transactions with US dollars, and the CBDC projects will never take off, also because the US Congress has not authorized the FED to establish them, and never will. The euro and Italy will go in the wake of what will happen in America, and obviously TV and newspapers are not talking about now.

The CBDCs and Agenda 2030 were delusions worse than those of the Nazis, and they could never win this game. Through them a tiny elite would have transformed money into an even more arbitrary tyranny, under the banner of a link between the coins and the owner who would have made the currency have a variable value depending on who uses it, being correlated to a single digital identity, i.e. a nominal security with a potentially discriminatory background based on the behavior assumed, and not simply to the bearer or owner of a value . The CBDC would have allowed the end of the Constitutions and the Laws in a politically correct hell and of cancel culture, exactly as happens in social media, when a third will between the two or more who communicate with each other, breaks in without legitimacy of Law to cancel opinions and testimonials unwelcome to the owners of the System. To understand what the CBDCs would have been, you have to think of fact checkers and blocks in the sense of disabling the economic life of the holder of the money due to behaviors 'deplored' by Big Brother, such as not getting vaccinated or expressing an opinion strongly opposed to adoption of children by homosexual couples, as is already the case in the main social media and television programs. In this way, the central banks would have passed from the abusive exercise of a de facto top-down management of the economy, as they have been doing for many years now, to that of a detailed management of social relationships and public convictions, religious and otherwise, of every single human being who had accepted such a vastly dystopian horizon, of which the covid 19 green pass was only a small socio-political experiment, unfortunately very soon punitive for many slothful and naive people who tolerated it. The CBDC would have required the Digital Identity , a unique identity, typically authenticated by biometric credentials , which would have allowed the bearer of the title to be identified, precisely because the properties of the title depend on the bearer. In these terms, the CBDCs would not only have replaced money as regulator of the economy, but would have replaced civil and criminal legal law , becoming an automated instrument of punishment capable of exercising a power of repression of social behavior contrary to the standards of the direct Community from the offices of the central bankers. With CBDCs, Digital Identity, the compulsive digitization of society and actively enabled AI, all four integrated in a systemic way as described in Agenda 2030, it would have been possible to restrict holidays, parties, trips to the sea or the quantities of food and clothing that can or cannot be purchased in reference to emergencies that would have been valid only for the people and not for the elites, of course. The COVID 19 operation was clearly necessary to prepare the ground, smashing Democratic Freedoms , introducing invasive 'health' obligations of the human body, imposing Nazi-style digital passports, and finally Digital Identity , all ingredients capable of proposing the cocktail poisoned CBDC. All over the world, Central Banks have been engaged for years in experimenting with CBDCs and Digital Identities, following the official plans of the UN and the ID2020 Alliance , whose sponsors are GAVI (Bill Gates), the Rockefeller Foundation and the whole bandwagon of financial powers that be behind big names such as Facebook , UNICC, Mastercard, and other masked criminals operating for the WEF who have precisely dealt with the promotion of Digital Identity as well as spreading the lies of the Covid 19 pandemic and experimental vaccinations.

CBDCs would have existed in the programmable virtual world , so they could have been classified by services/goods , have a deadline (as if the paper banknote destroyed itself ) or even become unusable depending on the place (as if the banknote disappeared from your accounts if you were in Russia or in a place deemed inappropriate by those in charge). If you have read this far, you will have understood that the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank, the bank supporting the sectors necessary to implement the CBDCs, was not wanted by the financial elite, which would have caused any Lehman Brothers to fail. albeit bigger, but certainly not the Silicon Valley Bank. The CBDC plan will not be accomplished because it is contrary to all the Constitutions, and the leaders of the American Army, the real ones, have just given two options to Western central bankers through a letter sent to all Central Banks: collaborate in the new financial system on the basis of rules born during the Trump Presidency with a view to multipolar respect, and now accepted by almost all the most important nations on Earth, including Russia and China in primis, or collaborate all the same with a gun pointed at the head after a blow from football of the gun in the teeth, because anyway no media will tell what is happening in the button rooms of the western financial system, and too many people are dying in Ukraine. Nothing different from what I have described so far could happen. The Revolution of the financial system is underway and my hope for Italy is that the bloodshed of the defeated, i.e. the servants of the Khazarian mafia, of the Jesuits and of the central bankers, is not necessary, thus giving rise to revived proscription lists in fact already widely known, but which would be similar to those of over 2000 years ago, in the Augustan memory. However, the surrender of the Italian elite, servant of the Satanists, can only be totally unconditional , a natural implication when the revelations are forced, with the force of means and technologies, to the attention of all the Italian people.

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The article THE END OF WESTERN ELITES AND DEBT CURRENCY comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-fine-delle-elite-occidentali-e-della-moneta-a-debito/ on Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:05:16 +0000.