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Economic Scenarios

The European Commission funds fake meat, like Bill Gates

The money of the Commission, which should go to the reconstruction of the European economy, has instead gone to a Dutch company that wants to produce synthetic meat, that is, that has never seen a bovine or a blade of grass, but only the cold walls of a laboratory. A project dear to Bill Gates, who has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in it and who would like no one in the US to eat animal meat anymore. The money destined for these Dutch companies comes directly from the European fund REACT EU, which should be used for the recovery of the economy, and agriculture, afterwards, the covid. Instead they will feed the production of a fake meat substitute,

So the Commission comes to finance the dream of a dystopia which, in the name of “Climate control”, would like to serve up we do not know which compound, but which forgets to help companies and, above all, farmers. As Coldiretti notes, among other things, a pure marketing operation, also because this meat, for now, costs 20 thousand euros a simple hamburger.

Of course, the aims are theoretically very noble, but it is a pity that one forgets that without breeding, which has been practiced for millennia, there would not even be cattle breeds. Among other things, this operation would reserve the meat for a minimal elite of the super rich, that one percent that governs, and would like to rule the world.

What we want to destroy is not only the cycle of farms, but a whole traditional way of life, in the environment, for its true protection, in exchange for a very few rich people who experience the countryside like the Mulino Bianco postcard.

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The article The European Commission finances fake meat, like Bill Gates comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-commissione-europea-finanzia-la-finta-carne-come-bill-gates/ on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 18:34:46 +0000.