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The European Court of Auditors attacks the Von Der Leyen on vaccines: NOT transparent practices

With great calm, after years, the European Court of Auditors has finally begun to judge the opaque procurement process of vaccines and has begun to make some criticisms. You can find the full report on this page.

From his sweetened press release we take this sentence:

According to the auditors, however, EU negotiators have only thoroughly analyzed vaccine production and supply chain challenges and vaccine production and supply chain challenges only after signing most of the contracts.
The terms of the contracts have evolved over time, and those signed in 2021 have stronger provisions on key issues such as delivery times and production location than those signed in 2020.
The negotiated conditions are different for each contract, with the exception of adherence to the principles of the Product Liability Directive. principles of the Product Liability Directive. Member States agreed to reduce manufacturers' risks related to liability for adverse effects (principle of risk sharing in the vaccine strategy). Provisions in contracts entered into with COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers differ from pre-pandemic practice in that Member States have assumed they have borne some of the financial risks normally assumed by vaccine manufacturers.

Oops, so the vaccine contracts were signed without considering whether there were any problems in the supply chains. and therefore the states have released the producers from responsibility, breaking from previous practices. Who handled these contracts? The Commission…

We remind you that several MEPs of the Italian ID group, of the Lega, had signed a question in which they asked to make transparent the procedures for purchasing vaccines by the commission, including the messages between the CEO of Pfizer and Von Der Leyen

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The article The European Court of Auditors attacks the Von Der Leyen on vaccines: NOT transparent practices comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-corte-dei-conti-europea-attacca-la-von-der-leyen-sui-vaccini-pratiche-non-trasparenti/ on Mon, 12 Sep 2022 19:41:14 +0000.