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The Final Battle (by Marco Santero)

An excellent BORGOGNONE explains perfectly what is at stake in this final battle between good and evil.

I fully agree with the fact that from the end of the summer there will be the final attack on individual and collective freedoms with subtle and diabolical manipulation techniques in order to divide and block the resistance that is forming in order to create a different and more functional world to the real ones. human needs.

This DICTATURE could only be established thanks to the pushed and pumped individualism from 68 onwards, so the battle is first of all CULTURAL!

The youth mentality is impressive after more than 50 years of NEUROTOXINS 1968, the assault on vaccination Hubs by young people is really scary for the level of "appecorination"! In order to be able to take a vacation and have a small piece of freedom, you get injected with an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY with full-blown short-term and unknown risks in the medium and long term against a Covid that practically has risks for them = ZERO!

A total madness, like wearing a mask outdoors, but….

The mask has now become the evident symbol of SUBMISSION, a symbol of adherence to a health dictatorship, a ridiculous and tragic dogma.

Seeing cars passing alone on board wearing masks creates an INFINITE PENALTY for the total dementia reached by the masses.

The total mass falsification is impressive: gatherings of young people pressed on top of each other in the vaccination hubs YES , the masses of fans celebrating by the tens of thousands YES, the demonstrations against this delusion ABSOLUTELY NO ! two weights and two measures that even a child understands that " THEY DON'T COME BACK "

A total regression of frightening human intelligence!

Absolute evil has fully manifested itself with all its satanic horrors perpetrated by the globalist elites and imposed in part as MISVALUES TO THE MASSES as explained in this excellent summary:


A stellar SANNINO explains how we live in a society saturated with DISVALUES continuously pumped into the community that destroy the FOUNDATIONS of a healthy and fulfilling individual and social life.

Spectacular is the synthesis of how the elites try to keep us "low" in terms of intelligence, critical sense and also on an energetic and spiritual level.

A society in which everything is monetized and in which we are all unhappy and live like hamsters in the wheel, or rather like donkeys tied to the yoke of a mill run by others, in essence we are unaware slaves.

In this year we play everything, only a reaction of the healthy part of the society can give us again the true FREEDOM and a fulfilled and happy life.

Splendid synthesis on Narcissism as a defense and direct consequence of the DISVALUES imposed by the elites! And how the continuous exaltation of the individual EGO creates a fearful SOLITUDE OF MASS perfectly functional to the "divide et impera" that allows the elites to enslave us in a total way.

The most terrible of the imposed Disvalues ​​is the ignorance of the masses which must be absolute above all on the economic and monetary bases and now also on health!

The imposed ignorance is the basis for keeping us in chains in Plato's cave, where individuals DO NOT KNOW NOT TO KNOW, indeed they believe they know everything.

The most evident example of this frightening ignorance and "credulonry" that is imposed on us is represented by the inexhaustible rush to get not a safe and tested vaccine, but on the contrary an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY never done before on the masses and of which the effects in the short, but especially in the medium and long term. The image of SHEEP at the outset perfectly reflects the level of ignorance on the subject that has been imposed on the masses.

One last example of how they take us for the cul … around:

This is the positive cases curve 2020: have you noticed how from April to June the cases collapse? But there were no gene therapies called "vaccines" !!

So also this year it is not the "vaccines" that cause the "infections" to collapse but the simple fact that all Coronaviruses, such as colds and flu syndromes, collapse with the warm season, but the news broadcasts lie attributing the decrease to massive vaccinations , in order to stimulate people to get vaccinated in greater numbers !!

All this is a criminal delusion, also because great scientists explain that in the autumn we could have some nasty SURPRISES precisely because of the vaccines that stimulate the development of unknown variants !!

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The article The Final Battle (by Marco Santero) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-battaglia-finale-di-marco-santero/ on Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:00:43 +0000.