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The future with the electric car: Californian electricity grid collapsing “Please, don’t charge the car all together”

California gives us a taste of what can be created in the future with the electric car introduced without serious planning, without an impact assessment and without evaluations of the energy sources available. Here are the effects of the Californian green utopia.

The last confrontation with the harsh reality came this week when the state, faced with temperatures around 40 degrees, began to worry about the pressure on the state power grid due to the fact that the load for the use of air conditioners combines with that of simultaneous charging of all electric vehicles.

State power grid operators told residents to "relieve the pressure" from the grid by charging their electric vehicles during off-peak hours, Newsweek wrote.

Twice last week the California Independent System Operator (ISO) asked residents to voluntarily save energy, including requiring them to charge their electric vehicles at certain off-peak times. ISO also suggested "avoiding the use of large appliances and turning off unnecessary lights," the report said.

The state's Twitter account Flex Alert posted on June 18: “Now is the perfect time to do a load of laundry. Remember to use major appliances, charge cars and devices before #FlexAlert starts at 18:00 today ”.

What's up? People come home from work in the evening with their electric Tesla or GM, put the car in charge, go into the house and turn on the air conditioner and maybe even the washing machine. Therefore, a huge peak of demand is generated in the evening hours of the return and this, without an adequate network and without sufficient electricity supplies, risks blowing up the whole system.

Despite the fact that the state tries to convert all rolling vehicles to electric, Patty Monahan, the chief commissioner for transportation at the California Energy Commission, said that when residents choose to charge their vehicles it will be important "to maintain the network. balanced electric ".

"Charging behaviors are important when it comes to the goals of the California grid," he said. “By encouraging, mainly through tariffs, the charging behaviors they exploit when renewable energy is generated, we fundamentally have a win for the network and we have a win for drivers in terms of reduced rates. Tariffs are a climate strategy and California plans to use tariffs to help drive charging behaviors that will help the state electrify transportation while cutting carbon off the grid and saving taxpayers and drivers money. The problem is that people can't always choose when to recharge and they do it when they have an outlet available and they know they don't use the car for a certain number of hours, i.e. in the evening and at night. a quick process like getting gasoline and done when one can, even if this may be unwelcome to the state.

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The article The future with the electric car: Californian electricity grid to collapse "Please, do not charge the car all together" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-futuro-con-lauto-elettrica-rete-elettrica-californiana-al-collasso-vi-prego-non-caricate-lauto-tutti-assieme/ on Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:00:55 +0000.