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The “Georgia Guidestones”, a suspected monument to the NWO, were blown up

By Quentin Melson – Own work,

The eerie "Georgia Guidestone" monument, a building accused of being some sort of guide to the New World Order, was destroyed in a massive explosion yesterday.

The explosive completely destroyed one of the four wings of the monument which was then completely demolished by the authorities for safety reasons. No one knows who undermined it, but the monument was extremely controversial and had already been vandalized several times. It wanted to be a modern Stonehenge that was supposed to last for millennia, lasted just over 40 years.

Built in the late 1970s by a small group of wealthy and unknown characters, who hid behind a person by the pseudonym of Robert C. Christian and who, according to one theory, included billionaire and media guru Ted Turner. The Guidestones were designed to resist, theoretically, any catastrophic event, they were aligned with the atria, to act as a meter and a calendar, but they carried a series of guidelines, of commandments, controversial, including "Keep the number of the population below the 500 million in perpetual balance "," Guide reproduction wisely, improving diversity and well-being "" Unite humanity with a new language ", a series of disturbing messages that, as we have said, attracted a strong hostility towards the monument.

Now a building that should have resisted any catastrophe has been destroyed by a few kilos of explosives, despite being monitored 24 hours a day by cameras. This too is a little mystery.

Here is a video that will allow you to see them more fully.

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The article The "Georgia Guidestones", suspected monument to the NWO, have been blown up comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/legeorgia-guidestone-sospetto-monumento-al-nwo-sono-state-fatte-saltare-per-aria/ on Thu, 07 Jul 2022 07:00:40 +0000.