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The German police believe that immigration and poverty are the cause of the growth in crime

Mass immigration into Germany is a significant contributing factor to the increase in reported violent crimes across the country, Germany's federal police office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), has revealed.

Police crime statistics released on Thursday showed a notable increase in violent crime of around 17% in the first half of 2023 compared to the same period last year.

According to the BKA, violent crimes in public increased by 14%, while reports of violent crimes in private homes increased by about 3%. The burden of major violent crimes is notable and worrying.

The agency cited three main factors for the worrying increase in crime:

  • greater mobility after lockdowns, but this is a factor that cannot be limited, because, despite the wishes of some, people cannot be locked in their homes forever, even if this generates more opportunities for crime.
  • crisis in the cost of living, with a greater propensity to crime out of necessity, and here real social policies are needed. Instead, crimes increase in the weakest regions.
  • mass immigration.

Regarding immigration, “ When it comes to violent crimes there is a greater increase in the number of non-German suspects ,” says the BKA.

It can be assumed that many people seeking protection have several risk factors that make violent crime more likely. These include the living situation in first reception centres, as well as economic insecurity and experiences of violence ,” he added.

The number of crimes involving German citizens – which include dual citizens who may have been born elsewhere – increased by 8% compared to non-German suspects who increased by up to 23%. Furthermore, cases involving foreign minors increased significantly by 37%.

Obviously, for reasons of "political correctness", the news has circulated very little, but the immigration-widespread poverty mix is ​​affecting all of Europe and is the cause of popular reactions to the problem.

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The article German police believe immigration and poverty are the cause of crime growth comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-polizia-tedesca-ritiene-che-immigrazione-e-poverta-siano-la-causa-della-crescita-dei-reati/ on Sun, 26 Nov 2023 07:00:41 +0000.