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The health disasters of pandemic management in Italy

by Davide Gionco

After 14 months of the Covid-19 pandemic, we try to take stock of the health situation in Italy. Not from the point of view of a professional doctor, but from the point of view of a citizen who tries to find out and think about what he sees.

The first observation is that, although ISTAT recorded a 15% increase in the mortality rate compared to previous years, the increase would probably have gone unnoticed, had it not been for the mass media amplifier.

If this virus had arrived 30 years ago, no one would have noticed anything, as there have always been statistical fluctuations on the annual number of deaths. Anyone who learns of the death of a loved one due to illness does not have the perception of the overall statistical increase in the number of deaths in an entire country. If they hadn't told us anything, we would have continued to live normally.

If the coronavirus had arrived 30 years ago it would have been treated as a "more virulent" flu among those that cyclically. The Asian fever of the 1950s did much more damage than covid-19, so to speak, because it mainly affected children, marking them for life. An aunt of mine, struck by the Asian when she was 4 years old, was struck in the brain and was mentally debilitated, causing 44 years of progressive physical decay and increasing disability, until death.

The situation was presented to us as "unprecedented" by the mass media, which immediately presented it as a dangerous and incurable disease, such as to justify repeated lockdowns, with very serious damage to the economy and preventing many people from analyzing the situation in a reasonable way.
It is one of the famous techniques of mass manipulation: “Create the problem and offer the (only) solution”.

We were never told that we would probably avoid 3/4 of the dead if:

1) If we had the updated national pandemic plan. The existing pandemic plan dates back to 2006. And in 2016 Matteo Renzi had closed the CNESPS, an institute specializing in the timely detection of epidemics. Prompt action by CNEPS would probably have made it possible to confine the epidemic from the very beginning, preventing it from spreading throughout Europe.

2) If we had not had as managers at the Ministry of Health (from Roberto Speranza onwards) and at the territorial public health agencies of people hired for their skills and abilities and not the usual "friends of politicians".

3) If we hadn't cut tens of billions on healthcare spending, reducing the number of beds for treatment, staff, machinery and training.

4) If we had not transformed family doctors into paper passers to direct patients to specialist facilities, while once they were responsible for the first home care in case of illness.

5) If we had not imposed a limited number in medical faculties for a few decades and limited the hiring of nurses, reducing the number of health personnel available for treatment. Training a doctor takes 10-15 years of studies. It is not something that can be improvised when a pandemic arrives. We have to think about it in time, at least 10-15 years before. That is: we permanently need more doctors and more nurses.

6) If in recent months we had hired more health personnel, now we would have to fear much less the influx of people into intensive care. And there would be resources to adequately treat people affected by other diseases. And do not find the excuse of the lack of money, given that for 2020 and 2021 the EU has allowed to exceed the limits of the public deficit, so to have money just ask the ECB for it.

7) If, more than a year after the arrival of the pandemic, we had updated the home care protocols for people with covid-19 symptoms, based on the experiences of many doctors. Such as those of the Hippocratic Movement, which have developed treatment protocols based on the early treatment of the disease . Unfortunately, after more than a year of experience, the treatment protocols are always the same, based on waiting for the development of symptoms and swabs. These are the protocols that have led tens of thousands of people to intensive care and death. Making mistakes is human, when the disease is not known, but persevering …

8) If on television they had explained every day, instead of uselessly hammering people with the usual war bulletins, that covid-19 is fought first of all with prevention, made up of constant intake of vitamins C and D, available for everyone to very affordable costs, and made up of staying as much as possible in the open air and in the sun (instead of keeping people locked in the house).

9) If on television they had explained the difference between FFP2 masks and surgical masks.
FFP2 masks are passive, ie they "filter" the air we breathe, reducing the amount of pathogens that affect us by breathing by 95%. They are masks that protect us from contagion. Ideal for categories at risk of death from covid (elderly, sick with other diseases), to reduce the risk of being infected.
Surgical masks, on the other hand, reduce the amount of pathogens that we emit to the environment through our exhalation by 95%. They are masks that reduce the contagiousness of infected people to others. Ideal for categories not at risk of death from covid (probably at least 80% of the population), to reduce the spread of the disease.
All this has never been explained, so we have equipped the elderly with surgical masks that do not protect them from infection and we have equipped many healthy young people with FFP2 masks, which have not prevented the spread of the disease.

10) If we had explained to avoid contagions by contact with infected surfaces, it is advisable to disinfect your hands not only at the entrance to supermarkets, but above all at the exit, so as not to carry around the viruses collected by touching the surfaces infected by others. Yet we continue to find the disinfectant gel only at the entrance and not at the exit of the points of sale and means of transport.

11) If we had doubled (after a year) the number of public transport, perhaps by hiring drivers fired from tourist services, the crowding rate of public transport would have been halved, reducing the risk of contagion. But it wasn't done,

We could go on with the list …

The responsibility for all this, with the tens of thousands of deaths that followed, does not lie with fate, nor with the Italian people. The responsibility lies with the ruling class that governed and still governs our country. People who, due to incompetence or bad faith, have made the wrong decisions, without worrying about the consequences and without taking responsibility for them. The result was a death rate from covid-19 among the highest in Europe.

At the same time, the media, equally subservient to the power class, instead of carrying out a correct information service and critical control over the disastrous work of the ruling class, have dedicated the last 14 months of information solely to blaming the Italians as the only responsible for what happened.
Measures to limit personal freedoms without constitutional and medical-scientific foundation, such as the ban on leaving the house between 10 pm and 5 am or crossing the dangerous border between one region and another, have been constantly advocated as "normal ”From the media. This while "normal" countries and led by more serious politicians, such as neighboring Switzerland, have rightly prohibited only gatherings between strangers and not travel. Infection, in fact, does not occur when people move, but only when they get close to each other.
They treated us as children, as if we were a people of sheep.

Why among the multiple solutions proposed there is none of those listed above, but the vaccination of 60 million Italians is proposed as a possible way out, including at least 50 million healthy people, who would not run any risk of being infected by the virus, if treated for fear.
Historically it had never happened that the healthy were isolated to protect the sick.
Historically it had never happened that an entire population was vaccinated by administering experimental genetic engineering products (those of Pfizer & c. Have nothing to do with traditional vaccines). Experiment with them, because there was no time to test them.
Never before has an entire healthy population been subjected to the risks of vaccination, with a disease having a very low mortality rate among non-at-risk people.

(Source: ISS data)

It had never happened before that health workers (and in the future perhaps the entire population) were required to take a vaccine that does not in any way reduce the risk of contagion to others. Current vaccines (probably) guarantee a sustainable course of the disease, but do not prevent transmission to third parties in case of infection.

Let's remember all this next time we go to vote.

And, in the meantime, let's ask ourselves the reason for all this.

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The article The health disasters of pandemic management in Italy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-disastri-sanitari-della-gestione-della-pandemia-in-italia/ on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 11:08:47 +0000.