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Economic Scenarios

The most pro-Persian party in Italy? The PD. Word of analysis of the votes in the European Parliament

Who are the true Italian pro-Persons, at least according to the votes in the European Parliament? The members of the PD. Did Italy have a pro-utinian position as it seems to many abroad? No, much less than France and Germany had, but she was more friends with Putin… than Hungary.

These are some apparently counter-deductive facts, but which emerge clearly from the analysis of 280 votes, from 2019 to 2022, conducted in the European parliament conducted by the VoteWatch organization. According to this organization, the most compliant Italian party towards Russia in practical votes was the Democratic Party, followed by the Five Star Movement. The League appeared much more rigid towards Russia, while the one who had the hardest attitude was the Brothers of Italy. a Latvian one, a sign of the strong radicalization of positions in those countries.

In general, then, the Italian parties have been less compliant to Russia than the French and German ones.

Hungary had an extremely assertive stance towards Russia until the outbreak of the war, which contradicts Orban's "Friend of Putin" judgment. France and Greece were the most pro-Muslim countries, followed by Ireland.

This is to tell you that the reality of the facts and of the votes is very, very different from what they make you believe on TV.

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The article The most pro-Muslim party in Italy? The PD. Word of analysis of the votes in the European Parliament comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-partito-piu-filoputiniano-ditalia-il-pd-parola-di-analisi-dei-voti-al-parlamento-europeo/ on Fri, 24 Jun 2022 13:22:02 +0000.