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The “Mother”: they are all children of the dragon

In a recent science fiction and post-apocalyptic film – " I'm Mother ", by director Grant Sputore – the story of a child born in a test tube, in a depopulated world, is told, who is weaned, raised, educated by an android from feminine and mellifluous voice that calls itself "Mother". Mother is good, diligent, rational, even emotionally balanced. Leaving aside the plot and the ending, one of the discoveries of the child as an adult is that, in reality, Mother is not only in the android, but everywhere: in every other robot, in every single animated mechanical piece of that futuristic world.

Mother is the "only" artificial intelligence animating all the pieces on the board. Mother, in other words, is a single matrix in a thousand different guises. Why does it come to mind now? Because the "twist" (such only for the unwary) of Draghi is the confirmation of how we have been, in the last thirty years, unaware victims of a "Mother", of a Matrix. And it is not so important to give it a face as it is, rather, to understand what it was aimed at and what it managed to achieve.

The political-institutional "Mother" – by whose spell we were all bewitched – has always been everywhere, in every single "automaton" of the apparently spontaneous and genuine theater of our politics. "Mother" was in the original Forza Italia, in the Democratic Party, in the Olive Tree and in the Polo delle Libertà, obviously in the 5 Stars and in the League, and in every other political movement that has in the meantime arisen to do, of course, the "interests of Country". And all the energies spent by you, by us (by all) in the indirect commitment, or in a direct (and often brutal) competition between adverse sides? Prodi against Berlusconi, Azzurri against Rossi, Center-right against Center-left, Polo against Olive, Honest against Corrupt, People against Casta?

All time thrown into a farce in which, while we occupied ourselves with inessential battles, our political champions infallibly recited the script written by Mother, from the Matrix. A script with a few, but very clear, guidelines: 1) the meticulous and predatory spoliation of public goods; 2) the reduction to a flicker of spaces of democratic accessibility; 3) the crumbling of social rights and welfare, especially health care; 4) the destruction of the public banking system and the transfer of monetary sovereignty across borders; 5) the financialization of the economy for the benefit of speculative "Markets"; 6) finally, and above all, the constitutional deconstruction of the country and its liquefaction in an “alien” container called “LEUROPA”.

Well, you can find many of the aforementioned points written, in black and white, in Draghi's speech on Britannia in 1992 and in Draghi-Triochet's letter to the Berlusconi government in 2011. However, today the process is so "advanced" that the final stages of the big game can take place in the sunlight. On the one hand, everyone wants, indeed craves Draghi, that is “The Mother”: the quintessence in human form – pleasant, lovable, caring – of the above “agenda of work”. On the other hand, they are all willing to work "together" for a government of "national salvation", even at the cost of staging the most obscene of marriages: such as that between Zingaretti and Berlusconi or between the 5 Stars and the non plus ultra of establishment.

But mind you: they are obscene only for those who naively believed, for thirty years, that they were facing irreconcilable parties. It wasn't true. They were, are, all the same, the same gelatinous blob possessed by the Matrix. And now that the plot is nearing its end, the directors come out. Draghi can finally become prime minister to then go up to the Quirinale and guarantee, for seven years, the serene arrival of Italy to the destination which Italy was destined to land. And our representatives applaud Boeotians, indeed they almost push to skip the line. With the blessing of the "Mother" on which they, no one excluded, depend, to whom they, no one excluded, must obey and whom they, no one excluded and despite everything, love.

Francesco Carraro


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The article The “Mother”: they are all children of the dragon comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/the-mother-sono-tutti-figli-del-drago/ on Sat, 06 Feb 2021 10:07:39 +0000.