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The Olympic Games are so hated that Toyota cancels themed commercials

The Tokyo Olympic Games are about to start under a bad star, with no audience, with the danger of covid-19 outbreaks in the Olympic village and amidst widespread growing hostility. According to an Ipsos survey done in June, an average 57% of respondents in different countries were, and are, opposed to the Tokyo Olympics. Among the Japanese the opposition + 78%.

The distribution of opposites sees South Korea in first place, but Brazil in third and the United Kingdom in fourth, countries that are usually very passionate about sports. Unfortunately, the psychosis due to covid-19, combined with a progressive disinterest in sport, increasingly distorted and commodified, is canceling the interest in these events.

This hostility is also affecting the sponsors, influencing their decisions. Toyota will not air Olympic-themed advertisements on television during the Tokyo Games, despite the company being a major sponsor of the Games.

The automaker said it has decided not to air any commercials on Japanese television and that its CEO will miss the opening ceremony due to the "many problems" of the Games.

The decision is seen as an underlining of how polarizing the Games in Japan have become with the rise of Covid-19 infections ahead of Friday's opening ceremony.

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The article The Olympic Games are so hated that Toyota cancels the themed commercials comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-giochi-olimpici-sono-talmente-odiati-che-toyota-cancella-sgli-spot-a-tema/ on Tue, 20 Jul 2021 08:49:59 +0000.