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The political campaign for the elections in Bologna starts. Will it be the right time for a turnaround?

The electoral campaign starts also in the “Red” stronghold of Bologna. In reality,. at first glance, everything seems to have already been decided with yet another mayor of the PD, but, deep down, things are not so simple. First of all, there is the uncertainty Covid-19, overcome by the city with some not indifferent charoscuri: however Bologna was hit with such hardness and many things did not work here, as in other parts of Italy. The problem is the color correspondence of the city government with the national one: can one expect to be excellent in a city and bad in Rome? In addition, the PD has more candidates, poorly compatible with each other, even if the former councilor Lepore seems to have an advantage at this time.

Meanwhile, the election campaign of the Bologna League has also started which this time has lined up the national and European parliamentarians, regional and municipal councilors, of the Carroccio, with the novelty of the "Participate in the Program", a way to get closer to the population and try to understand, really, what are the most immediate needs of citizens and what the municipality could do to satisfy them. "We will invite the Bolognese to report us, through a questionnaire that will be distributed massively in the historic center from Saturday and in the following days in the other areas of the city, to judge the work of the Merola administration, and to indicate the main topics to bring to the attention of the the next government of Bologna ”explained the Lega referent for Bologna and regional councilor Michele Facci. "From safety to transport, from parking to public housing, from waste management to animal policies: the suggestions and judgments of citizens, too often ignored by the city government, will be decisive in guiding the drafting of the Lega program" he added the exponent of the Carroccio. “While Merola, in fact violating the free and open manifestation of the political thought of the opposition, continues to prevent the carrying out of initiatives in the historic center with its ordinance, the League will still confront the Bolognese. And it will do so with an itinerant and continuous flyer in the streets and squares of Bologna to talk about ideas and collect proposals ”he concluded.

the race is still long, the election date not yet set, even if it is expected that it will be June when Covid-19 should leave some respite and, Arcuri permitting, there should be a little more vaccinated. We will also see what the Five Stars will do. However, things are starting to move in the Learned city.

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The article The political campaign for the elections in Bologna starts. Will it be the right time for a turnaround? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/parte-la-campagna-politica-per-le-elezioni-a-bologna-sara-la-volta-buona-per-un-ribaltone/ on Mon, 08 Feb 2021 11:45:56 +0000.