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Economic Scenarios

The reporters’ lies should make us angry. Where is the Order of Journalists?

Now every day we hear of sick children, children in intensive care, etc. All news that then occurs to be pure fake news. Yet they are published by journalists registered with the order who, however, do not hesitate to make a phone call to the hospital to ask for information. There are 8 deaths with Covid-19, when there are 1800 deaths in Italy from other diseases. (so it would be much more useful to adopt a mandatory cardio exercise policy, it would probably be more beneficial for health). Why this alarmism that seems organized by the press and the mass media. Who takes advantage of it? Because someone has some advantages from this situation, otherwise the "Vestals of truth" would have already intervened to stop the comedy.

Instead they are silent.

Listen to these two minutes of Salvini on Radioradio.

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The article The lies of journalists should make us angry. Where is the Order of Journalists? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/le-balle-dei-giornalisti-dovrebbero-farci-arrabbiare-lordine-dei-giornalisti-dove-e/ on Sat, 22 Aug 2020 07:40:37 +0000.