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The republic of unwanted births

Year of the Lord 2022, month of July, day 9, full title of the Republic: "It is not a country for children". Now, in a martial way, ask yourself a question and try to give yourself an answer: is this title meant to be a wake-up call against a dangerous slope or the smug acknowledgment of a goal achieved? Depending on how you read it, it all depends, Jarabe de Palo would say. In short, what does the most important newspaper of the "left", of "rights", of "progress", of "Europe" mean, and who more quotes has more? Maybe: "Oh my God, Italy is no longer a country for children, we have to do something!". Or: "Guys, we did it: finally Italy is no longer a country for children!".

While you ask yourself the question and try to give yourself the answer, we reveal the meaning of that title for those who did it: there is the birth rate, and the fault lies with poverty. You can understand it from the buttonhole where it is written: "Italy according to the statistical institute: poverty widens and therefore the birth rate collapses with a -12 on 2021". At this point, the initial mystery seems to have been solved: Repubblica is sounding an alarm, has identified a problem and even offers us a solution which is the fight against misery. But finding out what Agnelli's newspaper meant does not imply that that title is consistent with the editorial line of the same and with the ideology of reference of the political area to which it is addressed.

A line and an ideology in which some issues (defined as "rights") are primarily, systematically and obsessively "hammered" in the heads of readers and voters: 1) overpopulation (and the consequent global warming) as an (almost) incurable disease of planet; 2) the pushed competitiveness in the labor market destined to reward excellence and expel mediocrity (in the precarious); 3) abortion as an essential achievement of civilization; 4) the propaganda of lifestyles and sexual choices objectively incompatible with the birth of a child from the womb of a mother (female) fertilized by a father (male).

As for the first of the aforementioned topics, it was the current Minister for Ecological Transition who recalled it at a conference: according to him, our planet was designed for about three billion people (ergo, at least five are "growing" in excess) . As for the second, just think of the ordoliberal model on which the EU is shaped where unemployment is not a plague to be overcome, but a providential instrument of "regulation" of the economy; while the insecurity serves to straighten the back of the "big babies". As for the third, see the Greek tears and the tearing of clothes of our “progressives” before the sentence of the American Supreme Court on abortion as a “non” constitutional right. As for the fourth, think about the transformation of (sacrosanct and due) respect for differences into a frenzied door-to-door “sale” of any option that is eccentric with respect to the natural heterosexual orientation.

You understand well how the four points of this agenda are perfectly in line with the (if not prodromal) phenomenon of the happy degrowth of children. In fact: if the world is overpopulated, is denatality a good or a bad thing ?; if young people find a precarious job at thirty, when will they plan for it, and then form a family ?; if we eliminate the children before they come into the world, how can they come into the world ?; if we "promote" in every way the "different" unions, will the empty cradles increase or decrease? And what about "poverty", then? Identified by the Republic as the absolute responsible for the few births? It's just a convenient scapegoat. A "guilty" fed to the public in order not to admit the true causes, and the hidden faults, of a phenomenon of which certain press, and certain circles, should not worry at all, but be proud.

Francesco Carraro


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The article The republic of unwanted births comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-repubblica-delle-nascite-indesiderate/ on Sat, 09 Jul 2022 07:55:51 +0000.