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The robotic shovel with artificial intelligence is being tested on construction sites in Japan.

Imagine a wheel loader that moves by itself, without the need for a driver. It seems like science fiction, but it is reality thanks to the work of Professor Takego of Seikei University and Professor Nagatani of the University of Tokyo, in collaboration with SK Materials.

In a rock quarry in Saitama, Japan, a “robotic” wheel loader is transporting stones autonomously. Its task is simple: fill a large container with crushed stone and dump it into a hopper. A repetitive job, sure, but one that becomes boring and tiring for a human being. Among other things, it is an activity that requires a minimum of technical capacity and, in some countries, such as Italy, also certification. The shovel robot, on the other hand, has no problems. Here is a video of the vehicle in action.

Thanks to sensors and artificial intelligence, the wheel loader is able to move autonomously, avoiding obstacles and calculating the best route to reach the pile of stone. The system is safe and reliable, and works even in difficult conditions, such as on steep slopes or in the presence of obstacles.

But the advantages don't stop there. Automating this simple task leads to greater productivity and solves the problem of labor shortages, an increasingly common problem in many industries. This is a strongly felt problem in Japan, but also in Italy there is often a lack of personnel with the necessary qualifications for the use of heavy vehicles.

This technology represents an important step forward towards the automation of sites where work changes frequently, such as construction sites. In the future, we may see shovel robots and other autonomous machinery working in many other industries, making work safer, more efficient and even less boring. Furthermore, once the system has been tested, nothing prevents it from being used on larger vehicles or for different activities, such as excavation. A solution which, if well implemented, would also make construction sites safer.

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The article The robotic shovel with artificial intelligence is tested on construction sites in Japan. comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/in-giappone-viene-testata-in-cantiere-la-pala-robotizzata-con-intelligenza-artificiale/ on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 12:33:59 +0000.