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Economic Scenarios

The “SCAPE GOAT”: Palamara disbarred to save a magistracy to be reset

In the end it happened: Luca Palamara was expelled from the judiciary. The CSM canceled him permanently, and thus completed his acquittal. In an interview with La Verità, the now former judge showed the inescapability of the decision, describing the president of the disciplinary section distracted, who reads his mobile phone while, in theory, he should listen to the parties to study the sentence. Luca Palamara was therefore disbarred because, in this way, the judicial order can absolve itself, deceive itself that it has "done justice", and that everything is in order.

Do you really think this is the case? That Luca Palamara was a corrupting monster the only one in a perfect world? That only he has had contact with politicians, has juggled for appointments, has had behaviors of dubious ethics to put friends in key places in Florence, Perugia or Rome, and drive away opponents in remote provincial locations. Do you think that only the Unicost and Independent Magistracy components were involved in these intrigues, while the leftist component, Democratic Magistracy, is pure and virginal like a lily? If you believe all this then you must rejoice for Luca Palamara's radiation on the field, because now the judicial order is perfect, balanced and pure interpreter of good and of the Law. But if you live today, in Italy, in this European Union that blabs about the "rule of law", unless you have no respect, not even the slightest, for the opposition, then you should be indignant, not because an innocent person has been expelled, but because he he will be the scapegoat whose fleece will cover all the other people's filth. The accusations against Matteo Salvini are not only the work of Palamara, even if he had his role in the affair. Distorted sentences on migrants are not the result of a correct interpretation of the law, but of a violent politicization of a judicial order.

Normally, in a healthy system of checks and balances, the Judiciary should act as a controller for the other powers, but if this order is driven by political prejudice, what is left to guard the Republic? A self-absolving judiciary, which prevents its own reform, is a much more serious threat to the survival of the rule of law and the democratic state than a distorted legislative power that no longer represents the will of the people. When these two distortions combine, as in present-day Italy, what remains of democracy?

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The article The "SCAPE GOAT": Palamara disbarred to save a judiciary to be reset comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-capro-espiatorio-palamara-radiato-per-salvare-una-magistratura-da-azzerare/ on Sat, 10 Oct 2020 08:00:57 +0000.